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Member, Availability Committee of Task Force to Study Increasing the Availability of Substance Abuse Programs, 1998-2001; Governor's Task Force on Eastern Shore Economic Development, 1999-2001; Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2001-; Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland, 2001-; Advisory Board, Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, Salisbury University, 2002-; Task Force to Study the Maryland Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program, 2003; Task Force to Study the Reorganization of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2003-. Born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, September 8, 1943. Attended Bryn Mawr Hospital School of Nursing; University of Maryland School of Nursing, B.S., 1978, M.S., 1981. Registered Nurse-Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist. Member, Dorchester County Republican Central Committee, 1986-1994. Board of Directors, Dorchester General Hospital, 1988-. President, Maryland Nurses Association, 1989-91 (legislative chair, 1986-89, 1993-94). Executive Committee, Maryland Hospital Association, 1993-. Board member, Chesapeake Health Planning Systems (past president & vice-president). Member, Maryland Nurses Association; American Nurses Association; American Ortho-Psychiatric Association; Sigma Theta Tau. Psychiatric Nursing Award, University of Maryland Graduate School of Nursing, 1981. Nurse of the Year, District 4, Maryland Nurses Association, 1986, 1991. Rosalie S. Abrams Legislative Award, Maryland Nurses Association, 1988. Outstanding Board Member Award, Maryland Nurses Association, 1992. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2003. Married; three sons.
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