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Past member, Community Health Advisory Commission, Montgomery County; State Department of Juvenile Services. Member, Maryland Council for Higher Education, 1971-74; Governor's Task Force on State Mental Health Systems, 1977-82. Member, National Advisory Council on Health Professions Education, 1980-84. Chair, Commission on Nursing Issues in Maryland, 1981-82. Director, Office of Federal Relations, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 1987-91. Executive Assistant for Health Issues, Governor's Programs Office, 1991-94. Member, Design Professionals Task Force, 1995; Task Force on Emerging Medical and Surgical Treatments, 1996; Task Force to Study Patient and Provider Appeal and Grievance Mechanisms, 1996; Statewide Commission on the Crisis in Nursing, 2000-; Governor's Wellmobile Program Advisory Board, 2000-; Oversight Committee on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes, 2003-. Member, Southern Regional Education Board (commission on human services, 1996-). Born in Boston, Massachusetts. Mt. Sinai Hospital School of Nursing, R.N., 1948. Emergency room nurse; public administrator, health policy. Past president, Women's Suburban Democratic Club. Member, Bio-Safety Committee, National Institutes of Health, 1978-84. Member, Nurses Coalition for Action in Politics; League of Women Voters. Board member, American Nurses Association, 1984. Member, Advisory Committee, Women's Economic Justice Center, 1989-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1992, 2000. Honorary Faculty Associate, University of Maryland, The Johns Hopkins University and George Mason University Schools of Nursing. Honorary member, Sigma Theta Tau. Ann London Scott Award for Legislative Excellence, Maryland Chapter, National Organization for Women (NOW), 1979. Honorary Recognition Award, American Nursing Association, 1980. Distinguished Alumna Award, Mt. Sinai Hospital School of Nursing, 1993. Co-author, Prescription for Nurses: Effective Political Action (1990), which won Book of the Year award from American Journal of Nursing. Honorary Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, 2001. Achievement in Women's Health Award for making milestones in women's health policy, Women's Action for New Directions (WAND), and Women Legislators' Lobby (WILL), 2001. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2002, 2004. Award for efforts to provide equal health care for women and others, Women's Health Conference, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, and Maryland Public Television, 2002. Award honoring longtime champions of hospice care, Montgomery Hospice Casey House, 2003. Married, two children.
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