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[photo, Paul S. Stull, State Delegate] PAUL S. STULL
Republican, District 4A, Frederick County

Member of House of Delegates since January 11, 1995. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1995- (health & public utilities subcommittee, 1995-99; agriculture, environment & natural resources subcommittee, 1999-2003; public utilities subcommittee, 1999-2003; agriculture, agriculture preservation & open space subcommittee, 2003-; ethics subcommittee, 2003-; motor vehicles & transportation subcommittee, 2003-). Member, Special Joint Committee on Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program, 1999-2002. Chair, Frederick County Delegation, 2003- (vice-chair, 1998-2002).

Member, Board of Directors, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 1998-2003; Governor's Pesticide Council, 1999-2003; Task Force on the Marketing of Grain and Other Agricultural Products, 2003-04; Task Force to Study the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 2003-; Pesticide Advisory Committee, 2004-. Born in Lewistown, Maryland, May 8, 1936. University of Maryland College Park, B.S. (agriculture), 1964; West Virginia University, M.S. (agriculture), 1969. Teacher, 1965-1980, and adult education instructor, 1968-74, Frederick County Public Schools. Principal, Frederick County Career and Technology Center, 1976-88. Instructor (agriculture), Frederick Community College, 1982-85. Coordinator of school construction, 1988-92, Frederick County Public Schools. Chair, Frederick County Republican Central Committee, 1978-94. Executive Committee, Maryland Republican Party, 1982-94. Member, Frederick County Farm Bureau; Glade Valley Lions Club; Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company; Walkersville Volunteer Rescue Company; American Legion, Post no. 11; Glade Valley Grange no. 417; Heart of Maryland Tractor Pullers Association; Frederick County Retired Teachers Association. Member, Alpha Gamma Rho-Alpha Theta Chapter, Gamma Sigma Delta, West Virginia University Chapter; Future Farmers of America Alumni Association. Honorary State Agriculturalist Degree, Maryland Association of Future Farmers of America. Honorary American Farmer Degree, National Association of Future Farmers of America. Member of the Year, Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company. Alumni Award, Maryland 4-H. Married; one son.

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