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[photo, Susan C. Lee, State Delegate] SUSAN C. LEE
Democrat, District 16, Montgomery County

Member of House of Delegates since February 21, 2002. Member, Judiciary Committee, 2002- (member, gaming law & enforcement subcommittee, 2002-03; civil law & procedure subcommittee, 2003-). Deputy Majority Whip, 2003-. Chair, County Affairs Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 2003-. Executive Board, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2004- (member, 2002-).

Attorney, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1983-86; U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 1988-93. Member, U.S. Patent and Trademark Public Advisory Committee, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 2000-01.

Member, Steering Committee, Bi-County Task Force on Gang Activity, 2004. Born in San Antonio, Texas, May 14, 1954. Attended Winston Churchill High School, Potomoc, Maryland; University of Maryland College Park, B.A. (political science), 1976. University of San Francisco School of Law, J.D., 1982. Law clerk, Judge Richard Figone, San Francisco Superior Court, 1981-82. Executive Director, National Democratic Council of Asian and Pacific Americans, 1983-86. Admitted to District of Columbia Bar, 1983 (intellectual property law section); California State Bar, 1983 (intellectual property law section). Member, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association; Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Greater Washington (president, 1985). Attorney, Alexander, Bearden, Hairston, & Marks, L.L.P., 1993-97. Of Counsel, Pena & Associates, P.C., 1997-2001. Legislative assistant to President, Montgomery County Council, 2000-01. Of Counsel, Gebhardt & Associates, 2001-. Co-Chair, Multicultural Community Partnership, Montgomery County Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 1999-. Co-Founder, Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies, Washington, DC (board of directors, 1995-2001). Member, Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee. At-large delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2000. Member, Women's Suburban Democratic Club. Board of Directors, Dialogue on Diversity, 2000-. Member, Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts; Organization of Chinese Americans; League of Korean Americans of Maryland. Governor's Citation for Noteworthy Community Service, 1999. Community Service Award, Global Mission Church, 1999. Community Service Award, Korean American Senior Citizens Association, 2000. Progressive Leader Award, Progressive Maryland, 2002. Merit Award, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 2003. Married.

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