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[photo, Ana Sol Gutierrez, State Delegate] ANA SOL GUTIERREZ
Democrat, District 18, Montgomery County

Member of House of Delegates since January 8, 2003. Member, Judiciary Committee, 2003- (juvenile law subcommittee, 2003-). Member, County Affairs Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 2003-. Member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2003-.

Member, Board of Education, Montgomery County, 1990-98 (president, 1995-96; vice-president, 1994-95). Member, Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs, 1989-91, 1992-94. Deputy Administrator, Research and Special Programs Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1994-96. Member, Task Force to Study Driver Licensing Documentation, 2003-. Born in El Salvador. Attended Pennsylvania State University, B.S. (chemistry); American University, M.S. (technology of management, scientific & technical information systems); George Washington University, postgraduate studies (applied engineering). President and Chief Operating Officer, SOL Quality Systems, Inc., 1996-99. Director, Strategic Information Technology Consulting, Computer Sciences Corporation, 1999- (senior consulting engineer, 1992-94). Member, Takoma Park Chapter, League of Latin American Citizens, 1986-90; Montgomery County Chapter, National Organization for Women, 1986-; National School Boards Association, 1990-98 (regional vice-president, National Hispanic Caucus, 1990-92, 1996-98). Co-founder and First Vice-President, Salvadoreans United for Better Education, 1990-92. Board of Directors and Founder, Montgomery County Hispanic Alliance, 1990-. Board of Directors, United Way of Montgomery County, 1991-98; National Council of La Raza, 1992-94. National Management Association (chapter president, 1990-92); Association for Computing Machinery; Washington, DC, Chapter, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. Co-Chair, Latino Oversight Committee, Smithsonian Institution, 1993-97. President, Board of Directors, CASA de Maryland, Inc., 1996-99. Board of Trustees, Capitol College, 1996-. Board of Directors, Clinica del Pueblo, 2000; Montgomery County Chapter, American Civil Liberties Union, 2002-. Featured in "100 Most Influential Hispanics in USA", Hispanic Business Magazine, 1991, 1996; Hispanic Achievement Award in Science, Apple Computers and Hispanic Magazine, 1993. Award, Outstanding Contributions to Hispanic Community, Maryland Hispanic Bar Association, 1997. Outstanding Achievement in Education and Politics Award, Maryland State Teachers Association, 1999. Participation with Honor and Distinction Award, Leadership Maryland, 1999. Political Leadership Award, Hispanic Democratic Club, 2002.

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