Advisory Board, Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, Salisbury University, 2002-.
Born in Easton, Maryland, April 30, 1977. Attended St. Michaels High School; Salisbury University, B.A. (political science), 1999. Vice-President of University Affairs (elected position), Salisbury University, 1998-99. Administrative assistant, Department of the Environment, 1999-2000 (public affairs specialist, 1999). Development Officer, Audubon Maryland-DC, 2001- (development associate, 2000-01). Member, Talbot County Republican Central Committee, 2002-; Mid-Shore League of Republican Women; Republicans for Environmental Protection. Founder and President, Mid-Shore Young Republicans. Founding member, Delmarva Planned Giving Council. Member, Talbot County Chamber of Commerce; Leave A Legacy Delmarva; Rotary Club of Easton. Former regional coordinator, World Institute for Peace and Development, Washington, DC. Volunteer, Visitation Program for the Elderly, and assistant teacher, High School Sunday School, Church of God, Easton, Maryland.
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