The Office evaluates programs and services for Maryland citizens with disabilities. It coordinates and supports public and private agencies serving people with disabilities, provides information and referrals, and identifies and recommends ways to improve services.
State government compliance with laws and policies that affect persons with disabilities is monitored and encouraged by the Office. At least quarterly, the Office consults with and provides technical assistance to the Maryland Advisory Council for Individuals with Disabilities. The Office also promotes local or regional coordination of services to persons with disabilities. Authorization for the Office continues until July 1, 2014 (Code State Government Article, secs. 9-1101 through 9-1110).
The Director of the Office for Individuals with Disabilities chairs the Advisory Committee of the Technology Assistance Program and serves on the Interagency Committee on Aging Services; the Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families; the Maryland Partnership for Children, Youth and Families; and the State Coordinating Council (for Community Partnerships for Children, Youth, and Families).
Under the Office are the Assistive Technology Guaranteed Loan Program, and the Technology Assistance Program. The Office is aided by the Maryland Advisory Council for Individuals with Disabilities, and the Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
The Council has thirty members. Twenty-two are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor. Eight serve ex officio (Code State Government Article, secs. 9-1106 through 9-1109).
The Committee informs the public of problems that people with disabilities face in finding employment and of the laws that ensure equal opportunity. It cooperates with all groups in promoting services for individuals with disabilities. Programs to encourage the hiring of persons with disabilities are initiated and publicized by the Committee.
For persons with mental, physical and emotional disabilities (as defined by federal law), the Committee fosters meaningful employment (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended). The Committee also advises people with disabilities of opportunities by which to develop marketable job skills, and sponsors conferences, awards, and seminars on employment and rehabilitation.
Appointed by the Governor, the Committee has thirty-six members who serve three-year terms (Executive Order 01.01.1998.06). The Governor names the chair. Local committees exist in many counties and in Baltimore City.
Applications for loan guarantees and loan interest subsidies are evaluated by the Program's Board of Directors. The Board consists of eleven members. Eight are appointed by the Governor; one, by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene; and one, by the State Superintendent of Schools. One serves ex officio.
Three model technology demonstration centers have been established by the Program at Cumberland, Hagerstown, and Salisbury. A main site lies at the Maryland Rehabilitation Center in Baltimore where technology resource specialists serve.
Created in 1990, the Program is governed by the federal Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-407; P.L. 103-218). The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education funds the Program. Maryland was one of the first states to receive such a grant. Federal funding continues until September 30, 2002.
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The Maryland Advisory Council for Individuals with Disabilities advises the Office for Individuals with Disabilities. The Council reviews statewide programs for persons with disabilities and fosters coordination and support for these programs.
In 1947, the Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities began as the Governor's Committee to Promote Employment of the Handicapped. Renamed the Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped in 1979, it was placed under the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation in the State Department of Education in 1980 (Executive Order 01.01.1980.12). The Committee became part of the Office for Handicapped Individuals in 1987 (Executive Order 01.01.1987.09). It received its present name in 1989 (Executive Order 01.01.1989.14). Now, the Committee works within the Office for Individuals with Disabilities.
Within the Office for Individuals with Disabilities, the Assistive Technology Guaranteed Loan Program started in 1999 (Chapter 468, Acts of 1999). The Program helps individuals with disabilities purchase assistive technology equipment to enable them to become more independent and more productive (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 14-901 through 14-914).
The Technology Assistance Program (MDTAP) provides information and technology services to people with disabilities. To enhance the quality of life for Marylanders with disabilities, the Program helps people to locate, evaluate, and purchase adaptive devices. The Program offers technology-related training and referrals in cooperation with the Office on Aging, the Division of Rehabilitation Services of the State Department of Education, and the Developmental Disabilities Administration of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
The Advisory Committee, formerly the Management Committee, was appointed by the Governor in December 1989 to oversee the Technology Assistance Program. The Director of the Office for Individuals with Disabilities chairs the Committee.Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies
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