Kendl P. Philbrick, Acting Secretary of the Environment, 2003. Photo by Richard Lippenholz.
Chair, Asbestos Oversight Committee, 2003-. Co-Chair, Interagency Nutrient Reduction Oversight Committee, 2003-. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2003-; Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay (Governor's Chesapeake Bay Cabinet), 2003-; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2003-; Chesapeake Bay Trust, 2003-; Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays, 2003-; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2003-; Environmental Restoration and Development Task Force, 2003; Maryland Green Buildings Council, 2003-; Maryland Advisory Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness, 2003-; Maryland Military Installation Strategic Planning Council, 2003; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 2003-; Governor's Pesticide Council, 2003; Pesticide Advisory Committee, 2003-; Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board, 2003-; Maryland Security Council, 2003-; State Soil Conservation Committee, 2003-; Executive Committee, Maryland Terrorism Forum, 2003; Advisory Committee on the Management and Protection of the State's Water Resources, 2003-04; Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force, 2003-. Member, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission, 2003-; Ozone Transport Commission, 2003-. Member, Task Force to Study Pinhole Leaks in Copper Plumbing, 2003-.
Born in Logan, West Virginia in 1942. University of Richmond, B.S. (business administration), 1964; University of Chicago, M.B.A., 1978. Director of Corporate Real Estate, American Can Company, 1980-86. Director of Corporate Real Estate, Colgate Palmolive Company, 1986-92. Executive Vice-President, LMC Properties (a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corp.), 1992-2002. Married.
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