Department of Human Resources, 311 West Saratoga St., Baltimore, Maryland, January 2002. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Reporting to the Secretary are the Office of Budget and Finance; the Office of Communications; the Office of Employment and Program Equity; the Office of Legislation; and the Office of Technology for Human Services. Also under the Secretary's direct supervision are the State Citizens Review Board for Children and the Inspector General.
Reporting to the Chief of Staff are the Office of Administrative Operations; Commissions; and the Office of Human Resource Development and Training.
In 1993, the Department of Human Resources Information System (DHRIS) formed as the Client Information System. It received its current name in September 1999. The System maintains a centralized store of information on persons receiving benefits through the Department.
To maintain information about financial eligibility and to calculate, initiate, and issue benefits, the System uses the Clients' Automated Resource and Eligibility System (CARES). The System also is responsible for the Child-Support Enforcement System (CSES). Through CSES, the System provides child-support enforcement services to families, helps increase collections owed to the State, and supports federal and interstate enforcement efforts.
The Office of Information Management is responsible for Application Services, Data Security, Program Services, Technical Services, and the Maryland Children's Electronic Social Services Information Exchange (MD Chessie).
The State Citizens Review Board for Children formed in 1978 as the Maryland Citizen Board for Review of Foster Care for Children (Chapter 980, Acts of 1978). It was renamed in July 1999 (Chapter 355, Acts of 1999). The State Board coordinates the work of local citizen review boards and promulgates policies and procedures relating to their functions. It also recommends foster care policies and procedures to the General Assembly (Code Family Law Article, secs. 5-535 through 5-547).
Every six months, the local boards review cases of children who have resided in foster care for over six months. The review is to evaluate what progress has been made towards their permanent placement. For each child reviewed, a recommendation is sent to the local department of social services and the local juvenile court. With concurrence of the Social Services Administration, the State Board may establish categories of foster children for whom a satisfactory permanent arrangement has been made and who may be exempt from local review.
Local review board members are appointed by the Governor to four-year terms. Each local board has seven members.
The State Board's eleven members represent the jurisdictions encompassed by judicial circuits. In Judicial Circuits nos. 1-7, each local review board elects a member to the State Board. From Baltimore (Judicial Circuit no. 8), local review boards choose three State Board members. The Governor also appoints one member from the executive staff. Members serve two-year terms concurrent with their service on the local review board.
The Administrator is appointed by the State Board with the approval of the Secretary of Human Resources.
The Committee consists of up to seventeen members. They are appointed by the Governor to four-year terms. With the advice of the Secretary of Human Resources, the Governor designates the chair (Executive Order 01.01.2003.27).
Twenty-two members comprise the Commission. Seventeen are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor. Five are nonvoting ex officio members, and one nonvoting member represents the Governor's Office.
The Commission develops and recommends standards for housing, sanitation, health, and welfare for out-of-state farm laborers who travel, live, and work in Maryland.
Appointed by the Governor, the Commission consists of up to seventeen members, six of whom serve ex officio. Members serve four-year terms. The Governor names the chair with advice of the Secretary of Human Resources (Executive Order 01.01.2003.28).
In 1965, the Maryland Commission for Women started as the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women. To examine pressing social problems and foster an understanding of issues affecting women, the Commission was reactivated in 1968 as the Maryland Commission on the Status of Women. The Governor directed the Commission to review the previous Commission's recommendations on education, employment, and community and civic participation, and to implement those most pertinent. The Commission also helped State and local organizations identify problems and improve opportunities for women in a variety of fields. In 1971, the Commission became part of the Department of Human Resources (Chapter 57, Acts of 1971). The Commission adopted its present name in 1976 (Chapter 119, Acts of 1976). Formerly under the Community Services Administration, the Commission moved to the Office of the Secretary in August 2002.
The Commission studies and reviews the status of women in the State. To strengthen home life, it addresses the critical problems confronting women as wives, mothers, homemakers, and employees. The Commission recommends ways to overcome discrimination in public and private employment and encourages women to become politically active. In addition, the Commission promotes ways for women to develop skills, continue education, and secure retraining. It maintains a clearinghouse of information about women, and recognizes the accomplishments of women through the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame and other programs.
The Governor appoints the Commission's twenty-four members to four-year terms (Code 1957, Art. 49C, secs. 1-8).
Programs administers the Department's major programs. In conjunction with local departments of social services, these programs are overseen by the Deputy Secretary for Programs. Originally, they were carried out by four administrations: Child Care; Community Services; Family Investment; and Social Services. A fifth administration - Child-Support Enforcement - was transferred to Programs in 2003.
The Child Care Administration originated as the Office of Child-Care Licensing and Regulation in 1988 when the Secretary of Human Resources was authorized to adopt rules and regulations for the licensing and operation of child-care centers (Chapter 247, Acts of 1988). The Office merged with the Child Care Unit of the Social Services Administration to form the Child Care Administration in December 1990.
Child-care centers must provide children with safe and sanitary conditions; proper care, protection, and supervision; and promote good health, and sound growth and development. To achieve these ends, the Administration regulates child-care centers, family day-care homes, certified child-care providers, and nonpublic nursery schools. It also administers the State's subsidy payments for eligible families (Purchase of Care), Child-Care and Development Block Grants, and federal Dependent-Care Block Grants. The Administration may suspend, revoke, or deny licenses to child-care facilities. To increase the number of child-care facilities in Maryland, the Administration works with consumers and advocacy groups (Code Family Law Article, secs. 5-570 through 5-589).
The Administration oversees regional child-care offices, and five other offices: Child Care Subsidy; Credentialing; Licensing; Program Development; and Program Standards.
The Council has from twenty-five to thirty members. They include a senator named by the Senate President and a delegate selected by the House Speaker. Other members are appointed by the Secretary of Human Resources (Code Family Law Article, secs. 5-590 through 5-593).
Enforcement of court-ordered child support formerly was the duty of the Division of Parole and Probation in the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Then, from 1979 to 1984, the Income Maintenance Administration under the Department of Human Resources became the public agency through which support payments were channeled. In 1984, the Child-Support Enforcement Administration formed in the Department of Human Resources to provide child-support services for families (Chapter 296, Acts of 1984). Formerly under Operations, the Administration transferred to Programs in 2003.
Through local departments of social services, courts, State's Attorneys' offices, and other agencies, the Administration locates absent parents; determines paternity; establishes, reviews, modifies, and enforces support orders; and collects and disburses support payments (Code Family Law Article, secs. 10-106 through 10-117). Recipients of Non-Public Assistance Medical Assistance receive services at no charge and are required to cooperate with the Administration in order to secure support. For a one-time fee of $25 regardless of income, the Administration also provides services to all other families. Collections made on behalf of such families are paid in full to the family.
The Executive Director is appointed by the Secretary of Human Resources.
The Administration is comprised of Operations; and Programs. Directly under the office of the Executive Director are the child support enforcement offices for Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Montgomery and Prince George's counties.
In 1995, under the Chief Support Enforcement Privatization Pilot Program, administration of the Baltimore City Office of Child-Support Enforcement was privatized (Chapter 491, Acts of 1995). Authorization for the Program continued until October 31, 2002 (Code Family Law Article, sec. 10-119.1). Since 2002, State government resumed administration of the Office.
The Office develops child-support enforcement policy, legislation, and regulations; plans program initiatives; interprets policy and conducts training on new policy and procedures; and coordinates its work with the Deputy Secretary for Planning. The Office also intercepts State and federal tax returns, unemployment benefits, and lottery winnings in order to deduct child support. In addition, the Office monitors the collection by local agencies of child-support overpayments.
Systems Support started as the Field Operations Office in 1981. This office monitored local child-support enforcement agencies. Renamed Office of Program Management, it assumed responsibility for local agency compliance reviews, technical assistance to local agencies, and special projects in 1990. The Office reorganized in 1991 as the Office of Program Development and Management to propose new programs and conduct staff training. Further change in 1992 created the Office of Service Delivery. In 1996, the Office of Service Delivery merged with the Office of Interstate Operations to form the Office of Local Services.
The Office of Interstate Operations had begun in 1981 as the Office of Central Operations. Reorganized in 1991 as the Office of Policy and Central Operations, in 1993 it became the Office of Interstate Operations. In 1996, it merged with the Office of Service Delivery to form the Office of Local Services which became the Office of Systems Support in 2000.
Under the Office of Systems Support are four units: Computer Information Services; Document Generation; Functional Analysis; and Interstate Services.
Created by Executive Order in 1964, the Community Services Administration began as the Maryland Office of Economic Opportunity. The Office was established by statute in 1965 (Chapter 306, Acts of 1965) and renamed the Maryland Office of Community Services in 1979 (Chapter 50, Acts of 1979). By Executive Order, the Community Programs Administration merged in 1982 with the Office. The Office became the Community Services Administration in 1984 (Chapter 196, Acts of 1984).
The poor, disadvantaged, disabled, and others in need are served by the Community Services Administration. Programs include adult services, energy assistance, homeless services, legal services, refugee and immigrant services, and services to families and victims of crime. The Administration also coordinates and provides technical support to commissions and special programs (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 6-201 through 6-204).
The Executive Director is appointed by the Secretary of Human Resources with the Governor's approval (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 6-202).
The Administration works through eight offices: Adult Services; Community Initiatives; Home Energy Programs; Legal Services; New Americans; Personal Assistance Services; Transitional Services; and Victim Services.
Vulnerable or elderly citizens are helped by the Office to strengthen family and community ties so they may live in the community.
Under the Office are Community-Based Services, and Home-Based Services.
The Council's seventeen members are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor (Code 1957, Art. 88A, sec. 129A).
Adult Protective Services. This program protects the health, safety, and welfare of endangered, vulnerable adults, aged 18 or over, who lack the physical or mental capacity to provide for their daily needs. The program works to prevent or remedy neglect, self-neglect, abuse, or exploitation of adults unable to protect their own interests or at risk of harming themselves or others.
Adult Public Guardianship Program. Through this program, local departments of social services are the guardians of last resort for vulnerable persons aged 18 to 65. For persons who have been certified medically incompetent, the guardian makes decisions about nonfinancial matters. For vulnerable persons aged 65 or older, the Office on Aging and area aging agencies serve as the guardians of last resort.
Representative Payee Program. This program helps vulnerable low-income individuals manage their monthly Social Security benefit when no family member or friend is available. For the individual, the representative payee ensures that financial obligations are met. By helping vulnerable adults maintain economic self-sufficiency and support, the Program reduces the number of adults placed in institutions, and prevents their financial exploitation.
Social Services to Adults. This is the Department's core program of social work services for adults aged 18 and older. The program helps adults to be self-supporting and self-sufficient and to avoid abuse, neglect, or exploitation. It helps those who need institutional care secure it and protects those who do not from unnecessary institutionalization. These services build, sustain, and augment family and community support.
Certified Adult Residential Environment Program. Within the Social Services Administration, the Program was established in 1986 (Chapter 626, Acts of 1986). It transferred to the Community Services Administration in 1990.
The Program arranges for private citizens to accept into their homes and care adults with disabilities who otherwise would reside in institutions. The Program develops such housing, licenses care givers, and places clients in homes. Its case managers meet with care providers and clients to monitor these adult foster-care arrangements. The Program serves persons with mental or physical disabilities, including persons with HIV/AIDS.
In-Home Aide Services. This program provides necessary assistance in the home for people whose cases are managed through local departments of social services. Eligibility for this assistance does not depend on income.
Respite Care Program. Started in 1984, the Program provides temporary short-term care for disabled or elderly persons to whom family members normally give care. Services may be scheduled or given as needed. They may be offered in the home or in day-care facilities, nursing-care facilities, the home of a certified caseworker, community-based respite-care homes, or other sites approved or requested by the family. By allowing the family much needed breaks from care giving, the Program reduces the likelihood of institutionalization, neglect, or abuse.
Displaced Homemakers Program. Started as a model project in 1976, this program became State funded in 1979 (Chapter 339, Acts of 1979). The Program helps homemakers who are
displaced due to the death or disability of, or divorce, separation, or abandonment by a family member upon whom they depended for income. Community organizations help them become self-sufficient through counseling, training, and employment assistance (Code Family Law Article, secs. 4-601, 4-602).
Maryland Fatherhood Initiatives. This program helps fathers become involved with raising their children. It works through five programs: Absent Parent; Access and Visitation; Maryland Fatherhood Initiative Grant; Partners for Fragile Families; and Young Father Responsible Fathers.
Electric Universal Service Program. This program began in July 2000. Low-income households are aided by the Program to pay current and overdue electric bills. To reduce future electric bills, the Program also helps with energy efficiency measures.
Maryland Energy Assistance Program. In 1977, the Program began as a pilot program. Reformed as the Energy Crisis Intervention Program in 1978, it adopted its present name in 1980. In July 2000, it was placed under the Office of Home Energy Programs.
The Maryland Energy Assistance Program provides fuel oil, electricity, gas (natural and propane), wood, and coal to eligible low-income people across the State. Eligibility for assistance is based on household size, income, fuel type, and geographic location. Those with the greatest need receive the highest level of assistance. Benefits reflect a fixed portion of average fuel consumption based on fuel type. They range from 32 to 85 percent of average consumption. Heating assistance is offered to eligible tenants and homeowners. Maryland is the first state to offer this aid to shelters for battered spouses and the homeless. The Program subcontracts with twenty local agencies (departments of social services, governments, community action agencies) and 450 energy suppliers to provide this assistance.
Emergency Energy Assistance also is offered by the Program to householders certified eligible for regular energy assistance benefits. Provided on a one-time-only basis, this assistance is for fuel deliveries, utility cut-offs, emergency repairs, blankets, emergency space heaters, or emergency shelter. It may not exceed $180. Benefits provided are paid directly to energy vendors selected by the eligible household. Under contract with the State, vendors deliver fuel to a household until the family's benefit amount is exhausted.
Citizenship Promotion Program. The Office also administers this program formed in 1995 (Chapters 162, 163, Acts of 1995). The Program encourages and assists eligible Maryland residents to become naturalized citizens of the United States and participate in civic life.
The Council has twenty members. Fifteen are appointed for two-year terms by the Governor. Five serve ex officio.
Attendant Care Program. The Program provides funds for aides to assist severely disabled adults with daily tasks, such as bathing, dressing, meals, and transportation.
Appointed by the Governor, the Board consists of sixteen members who serve two-year terms (Code 1957, Art. 88A, secs. 134-137).
Emergency Food Assistance Program. This is a federal program. It distributes food from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to needy people in situations of emergency and distress. Food from surplus federal commodity inventories is delivered quarterly to local emergency organizations and food pantries for distribution to individuals. Eligibility for assistance is based on income and household size, or prior certification in any of the following programs: Maryland Energy Assistance; Food Stamps; Medical Assistance (Medicaid); or Public Assistance.
Maryland Emergency Food Program. This State program started July 1, 1998.
Statewide Nutrition Assistance Program. Administered by Emergency Food Assistance, this is a State food program.
Crime Victims Assistance Program. The Program provides specialized crisis services to adult and child victims of abuse, domestic violence, rape, or sexual assault. Using federal Program funds, counseling, medical and support services are provided through contracts with community organizations.
Domestic Violence Program. This program aids victims of abuse and their children who must leave home to safeguard their lives and welfare. The Program began as a model shelter in 1971. Through a network of community organizations, the Program offers safe, temporary shelter or help in finding shelter, legal and therapeutic counseling, information, and referral for the victim; and rehabilitation for the abuser (Code Family Law Article, secs. 4-513 through 4-516).
Homeless Women's Shelter Program. The Program began in 1980 with legislation to establish a model crisis shelter for homeless women. For them, the Program provides temporary housing. Clients are counseled on ways to set personal goals and overcome obstacles to employment, such as illiteracy, health problems, or substance abuse.
Rape Crisis Program. Established in 1983, this program gives specialized support to victims of rape and sexual assault. Community organizations provide telephone hotlines, counseling, and medical and legal help. To decrease the incidence of rape and sexual assault, the Program funds presentations to community groups, and distributes information through billboards, pamphlets, and radio and television public service announcements.
Functions of the Family Investment Administration began within the Social Services Administration. In 1980, those duties were assigned to the Income Maintenance Administration first by Executive Order and then by law (Chapter 26, Acts of 1980). In 1996, the Administration reformed under its present name (Chapter 351, Acts of 1996).
All public assistance programs in the State are coordinated and supervised by the Family Investment Administration (Code 1957, Art. 88A, sec. 1A). These programs include Family Investment, Food Stamps, and Medical Assistance (Medicaid). Under an agreement with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Administration certifies eligible low-income families for the Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid). In accord with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Administration also directs the Food Stamps Program.
The Administration sets policy for local departments of social services to follow in determining eligibility for financial assistance, Food Stamps, and Medical Assistance. In Baltimore City and in each county, the local director of social services administers public assistance programs subject to the supervision, direction, and control of the Family Investment Administration.
With the Governor's approval, the Executive Director of Family Investment is appointed by the Secretary of Human Resources (Code 1957, Art. 88A, sec. 1A).
Three offices are part of the Administration: Administrative Services and Continuous Improvement; Policy, Research, and Systems; and Work Opportunities.
Under the Office are the Division of Quality Control, and two bureaus: Administrative Services; and Continuous Improvement.
Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program. The Program assists with documentation and acts as advocate for persons with disabilities at entitlement and appeal hearings.
Overseen by the Bureau are the Corrective Action Unit and the Food Stamp Investment Plan.
Four bureaus come under the Office: Policy and Training; Research and Legislation; Systems Development and Management; and Work Program Systems.
The Office oversees three bureaus: Local Support; Planning, Budget, and Procurement; and Program Planning, Development, and Marketing.
In 1900, the Social Services Administration originated as the Board of State Aid and Charities (Chapter 679, Acts of 1900). In 1939, the Board was replaced by the State Department of Public Welfare (Chapter 99, Acts of 1939). The Department was renamed the State Department of Social Services in 1968 (Chapter 702, Acts of 1968). In 1970, it became the Social Services Administration (Chapter 96, Acts of 1970).
All social services in the State are coordinated and directed by the Social Services Administration (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 6-106). These include adoption, foster care, protective services to children and families, and services to families with children. The Administration also determines what factors contribute to social and family problems and recommends ways to address those problems. In addition, the Administration supervises all public and private institutions that have the care, custody, or control of dependent, abandoned or neglected children, except those placed under supervision of another agency. It licenses agencies and institutions having the care and custody of minors.
The State Director of Social Services is appointed by the Secretary of Human Resources with the Governor's approval (Code 1957, Art. 88A, sec. 2).
In Baltimore City and each county, the director of the local department of social services administers programs subject to the supervision, direction, and control of the Social Services Administration.
Each county department of social services has a nine-member board of social services. Board members are appointed to three-year terms by the local governing authority. One member serves ex officio. In Baltimore City, the board is called the social services commission. The Mayor appoints its members to six-year terms and two serve ex officio (Code 1957, Art. 88A, secs. 1, 2, 4, 14, 14A).
The Social Services Administration is organized into four offices: Children and Family Services; Management Services; Special Services; and Substance Abuse Initiatives.
To support the operation of Department programs, the Office works through three units: Budget and Central Services; Evaluation and Quality Assurance; and Licensing, Contracts, and Monitoring.
Interagency efforts to plan, fund, and implement new human service projects that address the needs of Department clients are coordinated by the Office. Current projects focus on drug addiction; child-abuse treatment and prevention grants; the Family-to-Family Initiative; and Family Support Program grants.
The Office is responsible for three units: Interagency Projects; Research; and Special Projects and Kinship Care.
? Copyright Maryland State Archives
The Office of Budget and Finance organized in 1989. The Office manages and controls the fiscal systems of the Department. These systems assure that the Department operates within its budget and meets mandates of federal and State government.
In 1968, the Office of Employment and Program Equity started as the Office of Equal Opportunity under the Deputy Secretary for Operations. It adopted its present name and moved to the Office of the Secretary in January 1999. The Office works to ensure that Department programs and offices statewide operate in an equitable manner for all Maryland citizens.
In July 2000, the Office of Technology for Human Services was created. The Office reviews and approves the Department's technology plans, programs, projects, budgets, staff, and purchasing.
Information Resource Center
1100 Eastern Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21221
The Electronic Benefits Transfer System began as a pilot project in 1989 and was implemented statewide in 1993. Eligible individuals are issued a plastic debit card to access electronically cash and food stamps on a monthly basis. The card replaces paper food-stamp coupons and cash benefit checks. The card also may be used to pay gas and electric bills, public housing rent, and group home expenses.
Organized in 1987, the Office of Information Management directs the management information systems of the Department. The Office administers computer applications, systems, and peripheral equipment, as well as computer and communication equipment, telephone systems and equipment, ancillary facility and support equipment, and consumables and supplies for Department facilities throughout the State. The Office also advises the Secretary on information technology issues.
The Office oversees development of the Maryland Children's Electronic Social Services Information Exchange (MD CHESSIE). Required by federal law, MD CHESSIE is Maryland's Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS). This system helps social service workers manage caseloads, provide services, and report on foster care and adoptions.STATE CITIZENS REVIEW BOARD FOR CHILDREN
2301 Liberty Heights Ave., Suite 1041
Baltimore, MD 21215
In December 2003, the Chief of Staff became responsible for Commissions and two offices: Administrative Operations; and Human Resource Development and Training.
Created in 2003, Commissions is responsible for the Office of Asian-Pacific American Affairs, the Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs, the Governor's Commission on Migratory and Seasonal Farm Labor, and the Maryland Commission for Women.
In 1992, at the request of the General Assembly, the Governor established the Office of Asian-Pacific American Affairs to assist and promote the interests of Maryland's Asian-Pacific American community (Chapter 397, Acts of 1991). Asian-Pacific Americans came originally from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, China, Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Samoa, Macao, Hong Kong, Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Nauru, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldive Islands, or Nepal.GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON ASIAN-PACIFIC AMERICAN AFFAIRS
The Governor's Commission on Asian-Pacific American Affairs was created by the Governor in June 1992 as the Governor's Advisory Committee on Asian-Pacific American Affairs (Executive Order 01.01.1992.14). In July 1999, it received its present name (Executive Order 01.01.1999.21). The Commission advises the Governor and the Office of Asian-Pacific American Affairs on issues which affect Maryland's Asian-Pacific Americans.
In 1971, the Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs originated as the Commission on the Concerns of Spanish-Speaking People. It received its current name in 1978 (Executive Order 01.01.1978.14). In July 2003, the Commission was reconstituted and reauthorized (Executive Order 01.01.2003.19). The Commission advises the Governor, the General Assembly, and agencies within the Executive Department on matters relating to the Hispanic peoples of Maryland. It works with the Hispanic community, private groups, and agencies of State and local government to serve and represent the State's Hispanic people and promote their interests.
At the request of the General Assembly, the Governor formed the Commission in 1959 as the Governor's Committee for the Regulation and Study of Migratory Labor in Maryland (Joint Resolution no. 9, Acts of 1959). In 1971, the Committee was assigned by Executive Order to the Department of Employment and Social Services and reassigned in 1976 to the Department of Human Resources. In 1981, the Governor reconstituted the Committee as the Governor's Commission on Migratory and Seasonal Farm Labor within the Department of Human Resources and expanded its mandate to include seasonal farm workers within the State (Executive Orders 01.01.1981.01; 01.01.1984.02).
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401
The Office of Administrative Operations was established in 1987 as the Office of Administrative Services. In December 2003, it transferred under the Chief of Staff and assumed its present name. The Office oversees four units: Central Facility Services; Real Estate Management; Support Services; and Technical Services. To provide a safe, efficient, and comfortable work environment for Department employees, the Office oversees facility planning, architectural design, space allocation, lease management, workspace planning and installation, building alteration and renovation, and building operations. The Office also operates a warehouse, supply office, mailroom, and graphics media center. Additional responsibilities include risk management, emergency response, and fleet operations.
The Office of Human Resource Development and Training formed as the Office of Personnel in 1970 and adopted its present name in 1996. The Office is responsible for Department personnel programs and assists departments of social services in each county and Baltimore City with recruitment, selection, classification, compensation, employer-employee relations, employee benefits, and staff training.
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
Formed in 1991, the Advisory Council advises the Child Care Administration on regulations, issues, problems, and interagency priorities (Chapter 394, Acts of 1991).
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
On July 1, 2002, State government assumed responsibility for the Anne Arundel County Office of Child-Support Enforcement.
The Baltimore City Office of Support Enforcement began as the Bureau of Support Enforcement under the Baltimore City Department of Social Services. Responsibility for the City Bureau was assumed by State government on October 1, 1990, when the Bureau transferred to the Child-Support Enforcement Administration. The Bureau in 1993 was renamed Baltimore City Office of Child-Support Enforcement.
On July 1, 1999, State government assumed responsibility for the Baltimore County Office of Child-Support Enforcement.
The Montgomery County Office of Child-Support Enforcement started as the Family Service Division under the Montgomery County Circuit Court. Later, responsibility for its operation transferred to the Administrative Office of the Courts. Since October 1996, the Office has been administered by the Child-Support Enforcement Administration.
The Prince George's County Office of Child Support Enforcement has been administered by the Child-Support Enforcement Administration since July 1, 2002.
Within the Child-Support Enforcement Administration, Operations was created in 2000. It oversees three offices: Collection Management; Customer Service; and Systems Support.
In 1981, the Office of Collection Management originated as the Office of Central Operations, overseeing intercept programs. The Office of Policy and Central Operations assumed that oversight in 1991. By reorganization in 1992, the Office of Intercepts and Adjustments was created and the Office of Program Initiatives formed in 1992 to assume duties formerly administered by the Office of Program Development and Management, and the Office of Policy and Central Operations. In 1996, the Office of Program Initiatives merged with the Office of Intercepts and Adjustments to become the Office of Collections Management. In 1999, it became the Office of Central Collections and Disbursement, and in 2000 returned to Office of Collection Management.
Local agency compliance with federal and State mandates is monitored by the Office of Systems Support. The office helps local agencies correct problems and implement policies and procedures. It also oversees the Central Registry and the State Parent Locator Service. Cases received from other states are processed by the Office and referred to a local child-support enforcement agency and an intercept program.
Within the Child-Support Enforcement Administration, Programs organized in 2000. It is responsible for two offices: Local Services; and Policy and Training.
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
Within the Social Services Administration, the Office of Adult Services formed as the Office of Adult and Family Services. In 1987, it was renamed Office of Adult Services. It transferred to the Community Services Administration in 1990, was renamed Office of Adult and Family Services in 1996, and again became Office of Adult Services in January 1999.
In October 2001, the Maryland Caregivers Support Coordinating Council was created (Chapter 400, Acts of 2001). By conducting surveys, holding public hearings, and setting up a telephone hotline, the Council is to find out the concerns of family caregivers who provide care for children or adults with developmental disabilities, functional disabilities, challenging behaviors, or age-related disorders and diseases. The Council will identify unmet needs and priorities; coordinate services provided by public state and local agencies; and develop and distribute a handbook of services available. In addition, the Council will develop a model program for family caregiver support that incorporates best practices from programs in Maryland and other states.
Initiated in March 1997, Community-Based Services encompasses Adult Protective Services; Adult Public Guardianship; the Representative Payee Program; and Social Services to Adults.
Organized in March 1997, Home-Based Services oversees the Certified Adult Residential Environment Program; In-Home Aide Services; and the Respite Care Program.
Within the Community Services Administration, the Office of Community Initiatives was created in January 1999. Through Project Retain, the Office administers programs that help individuals make the transition from welfare to work. The Office works with employers to create new jobs and train people to fill them. It helps individuals develop the skills needed to find and keep employment. The Office also oversees the Displaced Homemakers Program; the Maryland Fatherhood Initiatives; the Non-Marital Birth Reduction Initiatives; Maryland Individual Development Accounts; and the Joseph Fund.
The Office of Home Energy Programs was created in July 2000 to oversee the Electric Universal Service Program and the Maryland Energy Assistance Program.
The Office of Legal Services, then known as Judicare, was created in 1971. The Office pays court-appointed attorneys to represent indigent adults in Adult Protective Services proceedings, and children in Child in Need of Assistance (CINA) and Termination of Parental Rights cases. The Office contracts with legal firms to provide services, monitors attorney performance, and oversees the interaction between client and attorney. The Office also administers the Court-Appointed Attorney Program. The Program compensates attorneys who are appointed under special circumstances to individual cases.
In 1980, the Department established the Maryland Office for New Americans as the Maryland Office of Refugee Affairs. In 1994, the Office reorganized as the Maryland Office for New Americans (Executive Order 01.01.1994.26). The Office helps refugees residing in Maryland to become economically and socially self-sufficient. It provides employment services, English language and vocational training, cultural orientation, and other services.
The Maryland Advisory Council for New Americans started as the Maryland Refugee Advisory Council in 1980. In 1994, the Council received its present name (Executive Order 01.01.1994.26). The Council assists the Maryland Office for New Americans in carrying out its mandates and identifying the problems and needs of new Americans living in Maryland.
The Office of Personal Assistance Services was created in 1998. Personal assistance services are tasks which maintain health, personal appearance, comfort, and safety. For disabled persons aged 18 to 64, the Office coordinates personal assistance services, and works to find ways to increase current services. Three programs are coordinated by the Office: Living At Home: Maryland Community Choices Medicaid Waiver; Attendant Care Program; and Nursing Home Transition.
Created in 1997, the Office of Transitional Services works to end hunger and homelessness in Maryland by providing food, emergency shelter, and transitional shelter. The Office supervises the Shelter, Nutrition and Service Program.
Within the Community Services Administration, the Governor established the Homeless Services Program in 1984 (Chapter 777, Acts of 1984). Since 1998, it has been known as the Shelter, Nutrition, and Service Program. The Program provides shelter, food, and services to homeless people (Code 1957, Art. 88A, secs. 131-133). Using federal grants and some State general funds, the Program provides housing counseling and manages aftercare in several jurisdictions. The Program also oversees programs for housing the homeless and preventing eviction.
The Advisory Board of the Shelter, Nutrition, and Service Program for Homeless Individuals and Families was authorized in 1984 (Chapter 777, Acts of 1984). In 1988, it became known as the Governor's Advisory Board on Homelessness. The Board advises the Department and the Governor on planning, policy, and regulations.
Emergency Food Assistance began in March 1983 under federal law as the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (P.L. 98-8). The Program formalized the distribution of surplus dairy commodities begun in January 1982. Originally administered by the Food Distribution Section of the State Department of Education, the Program moved to the Department of Human Resources in January 1988. The Program became the Emergency Food Assistance Program in 1990 (federal Food and Agricultural Resources Act of 1990). In 1996, the Program for administrative purposes was placed under Homeless Services.
In 1983, the Office of Victim Services was created as the Women's Services Program by the Department and the Community Services Administration. Renamed the Women's Advocacy Program in 1991, it became Women's Services in 1992, and adopted its current name in 1999. The Office coordinates help for displaced homemakers, homeless women, and victims of domestic violence and other violent crimes.
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
The Office of Administrative Services and Continuous Improvement started as the Office of Administrative Services. It was renamed the Office of Administratives Services and Quality Control in September 1998, and received its present name in October 1998.
For the Family Investment Administration, the Bureau of Administrative Services oversees four units: Contracts; Medical Assistance Operations; Office Automation; and Procurement and Budget.
Begun in 1987 as Disability Management Operations, Medical Assistance Operations helps disabled recipients apply for federal Medicaid, Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits. Applications are made through the Disability Entitlement Advocacy Program.
The Bureau of Continuous Improvement originated as the Office of Field Operations and reorganized as the Office of Quality Assurance in 1992. It adopted its current name in 1998. The Bureau monitors local departments of social services to ensure compliance with State and federal regulations for programs of the Family Investment Administration. The Bureau also serves as a liaison between the local departments and State agencies.
Quality control reviews are conducted by the Division of Quality Control. Mandated by State and federal law, reviewers monitor the Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) Program, the Food Stamp Program, and the Medical Assistance Program.
The Office of Policy, Research, and Systems formed as the Office of Policy Development in 1992 and became the Office of Policy Administration in 1993. It received its present name in 1998.
The Bureau of Policy and Training reviews federal and State legislation to determine its effect on programs operated or supported by the Family Investment Administration. The Bureau assesses the impact of such legislation on the Administration's budget; develops the Department's position on legislation; and testifies before legislative and Congressional committees. Also, the Bureau drafts regulations necessary to implement legislation; writes policy manuals and instructional materials for local departments of social services; and trains case managers and supervisors to implement new policies.
The Bureau of Research and Legislation supervises research projects for the Family Investment Administration, both in-house and contractual. This includes managing contracts with State universities where studies on welfare reform affect initiatives in the field. The Bureau monitors federal and State legislation, and acts as liaison to the General Assembly and the Joint Committee on Welfare Reform. To evaluate and summarize welfare reform in Maryland, the Bureau collects data and issues monthly reports.
The Bureau of Systems Development and Management is responsible for the design, testing, implementation, maintenance, and control of those components of the Client's Automated Resource and Eligibility System (CARES) used by the Family Investment Administration. Systems support is provided by the Bureau to all System users, including local departments of social services.
Through the Work Opportunities Management Information System (WOMIS), the Bureau of Work Program Systems analyzes the employment and work training functions of the Family Investment Administration. This analysis meets federal reporting requirements for the State's Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and Food Stamps Employment and Training programs. The System captures customer demographics and work history, as well as records activities within work programs, such as referrals, attendance, and outcomes. Reports and data generated by the System are used by the Bureau to determine compliance of the Administration and local offices with federal and State work regulations governing welfare reform.
In July 1989, the Office of Work Opportunities began as a federally mandated program called Project Independence. The Project was a work and training program for welfare recipients. With the Department of Business and Economic Development and the State Department of Education, it sought to move clients from welfare dependency to economic self-sufficiency through education, skills training, work-related activities, support services, and job placement. Formerly under the Deputy Secretary for Programs and Local Operations, the Office of Project Independence Management reorganized as the Office of Work Opportunities under the Family Investment Administration in 1996. Renamed the Office of Work Opportunities and Field Operations in October 1996, it again became the Office of Work Opportunities in September 1998.
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
The Office of Children and Family Services began as the Office of Family and Child Development Services in 1980 and reorganized under its present name in 1991. The Office sets policy and standards for four programs: Adoptions; Child Protective Services; Family Services; and Foster Care. The Office also is responsible for Maryland's part in the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children, the Maryland Adoption Resource Exchange, and the Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry.
In November 1997, the Secretary of Human Resources created the Adoption Oversight Team to oversee implementation of recommendations of the Governor's Commission on Adoption.ADOPTION SEARCH, CONTACT, & REUNION
Since October 1999, adoption search, contact, and reunion services have been available to birth parents and adult adoptees, aged 21 or older. For a fee, a confidential intermediary initiates a search and assesses the other party's willingness to provide information.
The Maryland Adoption Resource Exchange formed during the 1960s to register and match children with adoptive families.
The Mutual-Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry began in 1986. The Registry registers and matches adult adoptees, birth parents, and birth siblings who wish to be reunited.OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES
In 1980, the Office of Management Services started as the Office of Administrative Support Services. It was renamed the Office of Executive Management and Support Services in 1991. As the Office of Administrative Services in 1996, it assumed functions of the former Office of Child-Placement. In August 1997, it became the Office of Management Services.
The Office of Special Services formed in 1993 as the Special Projects Division. It became the Office of Planning and Special Projects Management in 1994, and the Office of Planning and Projects Management in 1996. Later in 1996, it reorganized as the Office of Research, Special Projects, Planning, and Legislation. At that time, functions of the former Office of Program Review and Monitoring were assigned to it. In August 1997, the Office of Research, Special Projects, Planning, and Legislation was renamed the Office of Special Services.
The Office of Substance Abuse Initiatives formed in 2001 to develop and implement substance abuse programs for parents and children receiving services under the Social Services Administration. With the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Office provides screening for alcohol and other drug abuse to clients of the Administration, assesses their needs, and refers them to substance abuse treatment programs.
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