Vice-Chair, Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2003-. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2003-; Cabinet Council on Business, Economic Development, and Transportation, 2003-; Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay (Governor's Chesapeake Bay Cabinet), 2003-; Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families, 2003-; Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays, 2003-; Community Legacy Board, 2003-; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2003-; Environmental Restoration and Development Task Force, 2003; Maryland Greenways Commission, 2003-; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 2003-; Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs, 2003; Maryland Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 2003-; Governor's Commission on Housing Policy, 2003- (chair, land use & housing subcommittee); State Information Technology Board, 2003-; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 2003-; Patuxent River Commission, 2003-; Governor's Commission to Study Poverty in Maryland, 2003; Rebuild La Plata Task Force, 2003-; Rural Legacy Board, 2003-; Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board, 2003-; Interagency Committee on School Construction, 2003-; Task Force to Study Public School Facilities, 2003-04; State Highway Access Valuation Board, 2003-; Advisory Committee on Transportation Goals, Benchmarks, and Indicators, 2003-; Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, 2003-; Advisory Committee on the Management and Protection of the State's Water Resources, 2003-04; Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force, 2003-. Chair, Task Force to Study the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 2003-; Development Capacity Task Force, 2003-. Member, Interagency Disabilities Board, 2004-; Task Force to Study the Dynamics of Elderly and Retiree Migration Into and Out of Maryland, 2004-.
Member, Bowie City Council, 1975. Mayor, City of Bowie, 1976-82. Special assistant in community planning & development, then general deputy assistant secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1981-91. Member, Prince George's County Council, representing 4th Council District, 1994-2002 (vice-chair, 2001; liaison, board of education, 1995-2002; liaison, prince george's county municipal association, 1995-2002; member, transportation, housing & the environment committee, chair, 2002; member, health, education & human services committee, chair, 2002).
Tufts University, B.A. (English), 1957; George Washington University, M.A. (legislative affairs), 1989. Former public school teacher. Chair, Board of Directors, Bowie Health Center/Dimensions Healthcare System, 1970-94. Executive Director, National Capital Chapter, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 1991-94 (board of directors, 1976-91). Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 1996, 2000. Member, Maryland Municipal League, 1976- (president, 1979). Married; four children.
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