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[architectural illustration, Dept. of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland]


P. O. Box 548
7201 Corporate Center Drive
Hanover, MD 21076

Architectural illustration, Dept. of Transportation Building, 7201 Corporate Center Drive, Hanover, Maryland, 2003.

Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent, the Secretary of Transportation heads the Department. The Secretary chairs the Maryland Aviation Commission, the Maryland Port Commission, the Maryland Transportation Authority, and the Advisory Council for Port Land-Use Development, and co-chairs the Maryland Greenways Commission. The Secretary also serves on the Governor's Executive Council; the Cabinet Council on Business, Economic Development, and Transportation; the Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs; and the Smart Growth Subcabinet. In addition, the Secretary is a member of the Interagency Committee on Aging Services; the Asbestos Oversight Committee; the Capital Debt Affordability Committee; the Maryland Economic Development Corporation; the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority; the Maryland Green Buildings Council; the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority; the Governor's Interagency Council on Homelessness; the State Information Technology Board; the Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs; the Patuxent River Commission; the Pricing and Selection Committee for Rehabilitation and Employment Programs; the Procurement Advisory Council; the Maryland Security Council; the Interagency Committee on Specialized Transportation; the Transportation Professional Services Selection Board; and the Washington Suburban Transit Commission.

Under direction of the Secretary, the Department of Transportation oversees five administrations: Aviation, State Highway, Motor Vehicle, Port, and Transit. The other component of Maryland's transportation system is the Maryland Transportation Authority. Although chaired by the Secretary, it is not overseen by the Department. Advising the Secretary on transportation matters are the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals; the Board of Review; the Maryland Transportation Commission; the Transportation Professional Services Selection Board; and the State Roads Commission (Code Transportation Article, secs. 2-101 through 2-103).

The Office of Transportation Technology Services develops, coordinates, and implements information technology services to meet Department needs. The Office provides the Department with centralized computing and network infrastructure services.


The Office of Engineering, Procurement, and Emergency Services began as the Office of Engineering and Procurement and assumed its current name in January 2003.



Equity and Economic Empowerment was created from Program Management and Community Outreach in October 2003.


Established in 1994, the Maryland Aviation Commission oversees the Maryland Aviation Administration (Chapter 457, Acts of 1994). The Commission establishes policies for BWI Airport and approves policies and regulations for the operation of Martin State Airport and for major capital projects of the Administration.

The Commission includes nine members. Eight are named to three-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. One serves ex officio. The Secretary of Transportation serves as chair.


P. O. Box 8766
Terminal Building, 3rd floor
BWI Airport, MD 21240 - 8766

Martin State Airport
P. O. Box 1
701 Wilson Point Road
Baltimore, MD 21220 - 0001

The Maryland Aviation Administration originated in 1929 when the State Aviation Commission was established (Chapter 318, Acts of 1929). The State Aviation Administration replaced the Commission and became a unit of the Department of Transportation in 1971 (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). The Administration was renamed in 1989 as the Maryland Aviation Administration (Chapter 108, Acts of 1990). Under direction of the Maryland Aviation Commission since 1994, the Administration develops and operates airports and fosters and regulates aeronautical activity within the State.

Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) Airport, the State's major air carrier facility, is operated by the Administration. BWI started as Friendship International Airport, which began operation in 1950. From Baltimore City, the State was authorized to purchase Friendship International Airport in 1972 (Chapter 180, Acts of 1972). The Airport was renamed BWI in 1973. The Administration also supervises the operation of the Martin State Airport in Baltimore County. Martin was purchased by the State in 1975.

For safety, the Administration inspects and licenses commercial airports, air schools, and air school instructors. It fosters safety in aviation through educational seminars for pilots and mechanics, and through its publications, including a combined Maryland airports directory and aeronautical chart.

The Administration provides technical and financial assistance to airport sponsors and owners in the preparation of master plans and in improvements to facilities. Standardized runway markings are applied and maintained at airports throughout the State. In cooperation with other agencies, the Administration has prepared a Maryland Aviation System Plan (Code Transportation Article, secs. 5-101 through 5-1105).

The Executive Director is appointed by the Secretary of Transportation with the Governor's approval and Maryland Aviation Commission advice.

Under the Administration are four main offices: Business Management and Administration; Facilities Development and Engineering; Maintenance, Utilities, and Terminal Services; and Operations and Security.

Business Management and Administration started in April 2002 as Development and Administration and reorganized in July 2003 under its current name. It functions through four offices: Airport Technology; Commercial Management; Finance and Administration; and Marketing and Air Service Development.

Operations and Security organized in April 2002 as Airport Operations and adopted its present name in July 2003. This office oversees Airfield Operations and Security and acts as liaison to the Maryland Transportation Authority Police detachment assigned to BWI and the Director of the Transportation Security Administration, a federal agency.


707 North Calvert St.
Baltimore, MD 21202

Created in 1971, the State Highway Administration constructs and maintains State roads and bridges (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970; Code Transportation Article, secs. 8-101 through 8-812). Prior to 1971, State highway programs had been administered by the State Roads Commission.

The State Highway Administrator is appointed by the Secretary of Transportation with the Governor's aproval. The State Highway Administrator is the Governor's Highway Safety Representative. Under the State Highway Administration, the State Highway Safety Program is conducted by the Office of Traffic and Safety (Code Transportation Article, secs. 2-401 through 2-409).

Under the State Highway Administration are the State Roads Commission, and three main offices: Finance, Information Technology, and Administration; Operations; and Planning and Engineering.

The Office of Policy and Research started in 1994 as the Office of Highway Policy Assessment, was renamed the Office of Highway Policy and Technology Utilization in July 1998, and received its present name in March 1999. The Office seeks to ensure that Maryland derives optimal benefits from the federal highway program. Representing the State on technical issues and policy, the Office works with the Federal Highway Administration, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and kindred groups. The Office also works with other units to analyze issues, develop policy, and recommend State and federal highway legislation.


Finance, Information Technology, and Administration is responsible for four offices: Administration, Audits, Consultant Services, and Finance and Information Technology.


707 North Calvert St., Room 404
Baltimore, MD 21202

Operations began in 1908 with the creation of the State Roads Commission. Commision duties were assumed by the State Highway Administration through the Office of Chief Engineer in 1971. The Office reorganized as Operations in August 2000. Operations is responsible for the engineering of highways and bridges under the jurisdiction of the State Highway Administration. The Chief Engineer provides guidance to the District Engineers and monitors the whole program.

Under Operations are five offices: Construction; Maintenance; Materials and Technology; Real Estate; and Traffic and Safety. The Chief Engineer also is responsible for the Coordinated Highways Action Response Team.

District Engineers work to provide the traveling public with safe roads. Within their geographic areas, District Engineers administer and implement programs and policies of the State Highway Administration and Department of Transportation. They oversee bridge and road construction and maintenance; develop and manage district budgets; and recommend improvements for traffic.

The State Highway Administration has divided the State into seven engineering districts. District Engineers represent the State Highway Administration in all public matters at the district level. They also make recommendations to and coordinate their work with representatives of the Federal Highway Administration, the Department of Transportation, other State agencies, local government, and the public.

The Office of Construction works to expedite highway construction and reconstruction projects. The Office processes contracts, pays contractors, inspects construction projects, and establishes policies and procedures for projects in the State highway system.

The Office of Maintenance advises the Administrator about highway maintenance and equipment needs, facilities management, emergency response, and manpower and resource allocation. The Office also purchases, installs, and repairs wireless communications devices used in the State highway system. Technicians service devices such as travelers advisory radio, closed circuit television, overhead speed detectors, weather information systems, and two-way radios.

The Office of Materials and Technology evaluates and tests materials used in the State highway infrastructure. Hot asphalt mix, concrete, and metals are monitored through four regional laboratories: Central Regional Laboratory in Brooklandville; Southern Regional Laboratory in Greenbelt; Eastern Regional Laboratory in Easton; and Western Regional Laboratory in Hancock. Services also are provided to counties and municipalities, and other State agencies.

The Office of Real Estate dates from 1930 when the Right-of-Way Department was created under the State Roads Commission. In 1997, the Office was placed under the Office of Chief Engineer.

For the construction of State Highway Administration projects in the Consolidated Transportation Program, the Office of Real Estate directs statewide acquisition of land and relocation of people and businesses. If the amicable purchase of land is not possible, the Office requests authorization from the State Roads Commission to condemn property. The Office also leases properties of the State Highway Administration, sells excess land parcels, and licenses billboards and other outdoor advertising along State highways.

In 1991, the Office of Traffic and Safety formed. The Office operates and maintains some 3,000 electrical traffic control devices statewide, and provides maintenance assistance to the State Highway Districts for highway signs, particularly large or overhead installations. For commercial motor vehicles, the Office has multiple responsibilities. It issues permits for vehicles that exceed legal size and weight limits; formulates and monitors the State's annual Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan; and publishes the Maryland Trucker's Handbook and Maryland Trucker's Map. It also provides data analysis and technical support for the Activities Report of the Maryland Motor Carrier Program; develops, coordinates, and manages the statewide inspection and weighing of commercial vehicles; and manages the Maryland Automated Accident Reporting System. In addition, the Office analyzes and disseminates highway safety statistics, and plans, designs, and engineers solutions to traffic problems.


Planning and Engineering organized in August 2000. It oversees four offices: Bridge Development; Environmental Design; Highway Development; and Planning and Preliminary Engineering.

Created in 1985, the Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering directs and manages systems planning and project planning for the State Highway Administration and develops the six-year capital program of the Administration.


6601 Ritchie Highway, NE
Glen Burnie, MD 21062

Duties of the Motor Vehicle Administration began in 1910 when the Office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles was established (Chapter 207, Acts of 1910). The Commissioner was authorized to issue drivers' licenses and, from 1914 to 1935, employed Motorcycle Deputies to enforce traffic laws throughout the State. The Office became the Department of Motor Vehicles in 1943 (Chapter 1007, Acts of 1943). In 1971, the Department was renamed the Motor Vehicle Administration and placed within the Department of Transportation (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970).

The Administration issues motor vehicle certificates of title and registration, and drivers' licenses. Welcome to Maryland, a pamphlet designed to aid new Maryland residents in obtaining a driver's license and vehicle registration, is available free from the Customer Service Center: 1-800-950-1682.

Businesses and occupations relating to motor vehicles also are licensed by the Administration. It licenses motor vehicle dealers and salesmen; driving instructors and those who operate drivers' schools; title service agents; automotive dismantlers, recyclers, and scrap processors; and, for certain purposes, motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and those who run factory branches (Code Transportation Article, secs. 15-101 through 15-807).

Under the Administration are five offices: Driver and Vehicle Policies and Programs; Employee and Administrative Services; Information Resources; Operations; and Planning and Finance (Code Transportation Article, secs. 12-101 through 12-209).


The Office of Driver and Vehicle Policies and Programs oversees: Business Licensing and Consumer Services; Driver and Vehicle Policy; Driver Safety Research; and Vehicle Services.

Driver Education and Licensing is responsible for: Administrative Adjudication; Driver Instructional Services; Driver Services; Driver Wellness and Safety; and the Medical Advisory Board.


The Office of Employee and Administrative Services started as the Office of Administration, became the Office of Administrative Services in July 1998, and was renamed the Office of Employee and Administrative Services in 2003. The Office oversees five divisions: Facility Management and Engineering; Human Resources; Procurement and Contracts; Support Services; and Training.


The Office of Information Resources began in 1992 as the Information Systems Center. Renamed the Information Resources Division in October 1997, it received its current name in January 1998. The Office provides information technology services to the Department, federal and State agencies, and the private sector through two divisions: Business Systems Application; and Technical Systems Services.


The Office of Operations started in 1969 when the Division of Field Services was created to decentralize public services through a series of branch offices. That became Field Operations, then Regional Operations in 1997, and assumed its present name in 2004. Today, the Office of Operations consists of Branch Offices, Express Offices, and Vehicle Safety and Customer Information Services of the Motor Vehicle Administration.

Vehicle Safety and Customer Information Services is responsible for the Customer Service Center; Insurance Compliance; School Bus Vehicle Safety; and Vehicle Emissions Inspection.


Under the Office of Planning and Finance are five divisions: Accounting and Financial Systems; Financial Management; Operations Research; Planning and Programming; and Project Development.


The Maryland Port Commission was authorized in 1988 (Chapter 541, Acts of 1988). The Commission oversees the Maryland Port Administration. By devising flexible procedures, particularly for personnel and procurement, the Commission works to give the Port of Baltimore the competitive edge in maritime trade.

The Commission has seven members. Six are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. The Secretary of Transportation serves as chair (Code Transportation Article, secs. 6-201 through 6-204).


World Trade Center Baltimore
401 East Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3041

In 1956, the Maryland Port Administration began as the Maryland Port Authority (Chapter 2, Acts of Special Session of 1956). The Authority became the Maryland Port Administration in 1971 (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). The Administration was made part of the Department of Transportation in 1971.

The Administration works to promote and increase waterborne commerce in Maryland, particularly at the Port of Baltimore. The Administration improves facilities and strengthens the workings of the private operator. If private facilities are inadequate, the Adminstration may construct and, if necessary, operate supplementary public facilities (Code Transportation Article, secs. 6-101 through 6-502). In 1979, operation of the Port of Cambridge was placed under the control of the Administration (Chapter 280, Acts of 1979).

Two main divisions conduct the work of the Administration: Marketing and Operations; and Planning and Finance. The Administration also operates field offices in New York, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Detroit, and Chicago, and is represented in London, Taiwan, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. The World Trade Center Baltimore is owned and operated by the Administration.

Property Management began in 1977 as the World Trade Center - Baltimore. It became World Trade Center Marketing and Leasing in 1995, and reorganized under its present name in 1999. This office manages the World Trade Center Baltimore. It also markets the Port of Baltimore, Baltimore City, and the State of Maryland to other countries through the World Trade Center Association, which has over 200 members in 54 nations.


Finance was first the Administration and Business Management Department. In 1993 the Department was renamed Administration. Fiscal responsibilities of this office started as the Finance Department which reorganized in 1993 as Financial Services. It merged in 1996 with Administration to form Administration and Finance, and reformed as Finance in 1999.

This office also directs financial affairs and management information systems of the Port Administration, including accounting, budget, procurement, and real estate leasing.


Through a network of regional and international offices, the Marketing Department promotes the movement of waterborne commerce through Maryland's marine terminals, thereby creating revenues and employment and improving the State's economy.


Operations started as the Operations Department. It reformed as Operational Services in 1993 and received its present name in 1997. Operations works to provide safe and efficient marine terminals for handling waterborne commerce. The terminals are located at Seagirt, Dundalk, North and South Locust Point, the Intermodal Container Transfer Facility, Clinton Street terminal, and Fairfield Automobile terminal.

Maryland International Terminals, a nonprofit subsidiary of the Maryland Port Administration, was created in 1990 to give the Administration a direct role in labor negotiations and in operating public port facilities.


Planning and Environment originated in 1995 as Planning and Business Development, and reformed under its current name in 2003. This division is responsible for Harbor Development and Planning, which includes Capital Planning; Market Planning; and Strategic Planning.


6 St. Paul St., 2nd floor
Baltimore, MD 21202 - 1614

In 1961, the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) started as the Metropolitan Transit Authority (Chapter 670, Acts of 1961). As part of the Department of Transportation, the Mass Transit Administration was created in 1971 (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). It was renamed the Maryland Transit Administration in October 2001 (Chapter 730, Acts of 2001). Operating and maintaining the public bus, subway and rail systems, the Administration is responsible for public transportation.

The Baltimore Metro subway system, the Central Light Rail Line, and the Maryland Commuter (MARC) Rail Passenger Service are developed, constructed, and operated by the Maryland Transit Administration. Transportation is provided to the Baltimore metropolitan area including Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, and Baltimore County. Commuter bus service also links Howard and Harford Counties to Baltimore City, and southern Maryland to Washington, DC. In addition, the Administration gives technical and financial assistance to develop or improve public transportation in small urban and rural areas throughout the State (Code Transportation Article, secs. 7-101 through 7-706).

The work of the Administration is carried out by three main offices: Finance and Administration; Planning and Policy; and Transit Operations. The Administration is aided by the Maryland Transit Administration Citizens Advisory Committee.

In April 1988, Communications began as the Communications Department. It became the Office of Media and Public Relations in 1993, the Office of Transit Communications in 1995, and the Office of Communications in 1998. It received its present name in 2000. The office is responsible for media and public relations, transit reports, and printing and distributing timetables and schedules.

In 1972, the Maryland Transit Administration Police was established as the Mass Transit Administration Police. In October 2001, the agency adopted its current name (Chapter 730, Acts of 2001). The Police ensures a safe and orderly environment within the transit system. In 2004, the Police moved from Transit Operations to Office of Administrator.


Finance and Administration began as Corporate Services and Finance in 2000. The office manages fiscal services, information technology, procurement, and personnel for the Maryland Transit Administration. In September 2003, it was restructured to include customer services, engineering, freight services, government relations, marketing, planning and statewide transit, safety, transit-oriented development and Smart Growth, and Washington area transit. In January 2004, it was further reorganized under its current name to include offices for: contract administration; finance; human resources; information technology; marketing; and training.

Established in 1986, the Finance Division reorganized as the Office of Finance in 1993. The Office is responsible for the Administration's capital and operating budgets, analysis, management, accounting, auditing, and transit insurance.

The Marketing Division develops and implements advertising and marketing programs to promote the use of public transportation. It designs and produces brochures, flyers, newsletters, signs, displays, vehicle markings, timetables, and logos to inform the public about transportation services. To increase revenue, the Division grants advertising rights on buses, Metro light rail, MARC trains, and station platforms.


Planning and Policy formed in January 2004 to oversee offices for: Customer Information; Engineering and Construction; Government Relations; Planning and Transit Development; and Washington Area Transit.

The Office of Customer Information began as Customer Services and adopted its present name in 2004. The Office is responsible for two divisions: Customer Services; and Transit Information Services.

The Office of Engineering and Construction formed as the Transit Development Division in 1983, was renamed the Office of Engineering in 1993, and assumed its current name in 2004. The office oversees facilities, engineering, system equipment engineering, and construction management.

The Office of Planning and Transit Development began as the Capital and Statewide Programs Department in 1984, and became the Office of Planning and Programming in 1993. It reorganized as the Office of Planning and Statewide Transit in 2000. In 2004, it combined with the Office of Transit-Oriented Development and Smart Growth to form the Office of Planning and Transit Development. The Office develops capital projects, including required environmental documents; administers State and federal grants to locally-operated transit services; conducts regional and State planning; and provides technical assistance.


Transit Operations originated as the Transit Operations Division in 1983. The Division reorganized as the Office of Transit Operations in 1993, and adopted its present name in 2000. The office oversees transportation maintenance as well as planning and scheduling; and paratransit services for the Bus, Light Rail, Maryland Rail Commuter (MARC) Passenger Service, and Metro. In 2004, it became responsible for implementing the NEXT System, an advanced technology system that uses global positioning and wireless technology to pinpoint the movement of buses and trains.


2310 Broening Highway, Suite 150
Baltimore, MD 21224

The Maryland Transportation Authority governs and sets policy for the State's toll roads, bridges, and tunnels (Code Transportation Article, secs. 4-201 through 4-404). The Authority was created in 1971 by the same legislation which established the Department of Transportation (Chapter 526, Acts of 1970). At that time, authority for the Susquehanna River Bridge (Thomas J. Hatem Memorial Bridge), Potomac River Bridge (Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge), Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, and the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway transferred to the Authority from the State Roads Commission.

The role of the Maryland Transportation Authority in the State's integrated transportation system is based on legislation passed in 1937 (Chapter 356, Acts of 1937). To quickly build the bridges and tunnels necessary in a state with extensive water area, the legislature empowered the State Roads Commission to construct, operate, and maintain bridges and tunnels by issuing revenue bonds. No State funds were to be used, the credit of the State was not pledged, and the facilities were to be operated on revenues from tolls.

Four toll bridges, the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, the Fort McHenry Tunnel, and the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway now are operated and maintained by the Transportation Authority. These facilities were constructed with proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds and from toll revenues. They are operated and maintained through tolls charged to users. The Authority is not funded by the State.

The Authority consists of the Secretary of Transportation as chair and six members appointed for three-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent (Code Transportation Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-404).

In April 2004, the Authority reorganized into three main functions: Business Services; Facility Development; and Operations and Public Safety. Engineering and finance operations of the Authority center at the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Baltimore's outer harbor crossing.


303 Authority Drive
Baltimore, MD 21222 - 2200

Created in April 2004, Business Services includes four divisions: Administration; Finance; Information Technology; and Organizational Development.


Facility Development formed in April 2004 to oversee the Office of Marketing, and two divisions: Engineering; and Strategic Development.

Established in August 2003, the Office of Marketing moved under Facility Development in April 2004.


In April 2004, Operations and Public Safety was established to oversee the Division of Media and Customer Relations, the Division of Operations, and the Maryland Transportation Authority Police.

In 1995, the Division of Operations began as Operations. It reorganized as Division of Facilities in October 1998, and under its present name in April 2004.

The Division oversees all bridges, tunnels, and turnpikes under the jurisdiction of the Maryland Transportation Authority, some seven facilities. Oversight involves administrative functions, and services to users. Formerly, bridges, tunnels, and turnpikes each had been administered separately. Each facility administrator is responsible for traffic control and the collection, disposition, and safeguarding of tolls. Each ensures that roads, structures, facilities, and approaches are maintained. Along the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway, the administrator also oversees the operation of service plazas, and their restaurants and service stations.

An electronic toll-collection system now is available at all seven Division toll facilities. Initiated in 1999 as M-TAG, the system allows drivers to purchase toll trips in advance with several options available. A driver receives a small radio frequency transponder to place on the inside of a vehicle's windshield. Equipment in the toll lanes records the transactions, and trips are automatically deducted from the customer's account. "Members only" lanes allow passage through the toll plaza without stopping, at a slow posted rate of speed. In January 2003, M-TAG became part of the E-Z Pass system used in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.


The Maryland Transportation Authority Police originated as the Toll Facilities Police, established in 1971 as part of the Maryland Transportation Authority. The Police received its present name in 1993 (Chapter 626, Acts of 1993). The Police enforces laws and control traffic at turnpike, toll bridge and tunnel facilities; the Baltimore/Washington International Airport; and properties under the jurisdiction of the Maryland Port Administration.

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