839 Bestgate Road, Annapolis, Maryland, December 2002. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In consultation with the governing boards and agencies concerned with higher education, the Commission develops and updates an overall plan, consistent with the Maryland Charter for Higher Education, to coordinate the growth and development of postsecondary education in Maryland. The Charter, adopted in 1988, sets forth State goals for higher education (Code Education Article, secs. 10-201 through 10-212).
In 1991, when the State Board for Community Colleges was abolished, its functions transferred to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Today, the State funding extended to community colleges is administered by the Commission.
The Commission's twelve members are appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. Eleven serve five-year terms; a student member has a one-year term. The Governor names the chair (Code Education Article, secs. 11-101 through 11-206).
Under the Commission are three divisions: Administration; Finance Policy; and Planning and Academic Affairs. The Maryland Fire-Rescue Education and Training Commission also assists the Commission.
The Commission develops standards for fire, rescue and emergency medical education and training in Maryland. To coordinate emergency services training, the Commission develops and maintains a statewide master plan; collects and disseminates data; and reviews research on fire-rescue education. The Commission works in cooperation with Maryland emergency services systems.
Thirteen members constitute the Commission. They are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. The Governor names the chair (Code Education Article, sec. 11-501 through 11-503).
Over $30 million in State student financial aid is administered by the Division. For institutions of higher education, the Division sets guidelines for operating and capital budgets; analyzes campus budget requests; and makes recommendations on funding. The Division also directs State aid for community colleges and private institutions, and capital improvements for community colleges.
The Division oversees Finance and Facilities; Grants and Contracts; and the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
Under the Division of Planning and Academic Affairs are Career and Workforce Education; Planning and Policy; and the Office of Policy Analysis and Research.
For the Maryland Higher Education Commission, the Office studies major issues in postsecondary education. The Office also collects and analyzes data later reported in the Commission's annual Data Book and Trend Book and on the Internet. For public colleges and universities, the Office coordinates the yearly performance accountability process and prepares enrollment projections.
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In 1976, the Maryland Fire-Rescue Education and Training Commission was established within the State Board for Higher Education (Chapter 682, Acts of 1976). The Commission was placed under the Secretary of Higher Education in 1988 (Chapter 246, Acts of 1988).
In April 2004, the State Planning Committee for Higher Education was formed. To address future needs of the State's higher education system, the Committee will examine enrollment trends, costs of education, workforce issues, and cost efficiencies. The Committee also will seek ways to ensure that college is accessible and affordable for Marylanders. The biannual update of the State Plan for Postsecondary Education will be based on the Committee's findings. The Committee will report to the Governor in Fall 2004.
In 1988, the Division of Finance Policy started as the Division of Finance and Policy Analysis and received its present name in 1993.
The Office of Student Financial Assistance began in 1961 as the State Scholarship Board (Chapter 412, Acts of 1961). The Board reorganized in 1988 as the State Scholarship Administration under the Maryland Higher Education Commission (Chapter 246, Acts of 1988). On July 1, 2002, the Administration was renamed the Office of Student Financial Assistance (Chapters 315 and 429, Acts of 2002). The Office is responsible for all State student financial aid programs.
Formed in 1988, the Division of Planning and Academic Affairs approves academic programs and new institutions, and oversees postsecondary institutions, including private career schools. The needs of education and training programs as well as plans for such programs are analyzed by the Division.
Career and Workforce Education oversees the regulation of private career schools in Maryland. The office sets academic and financial standards for Commission approval and provides information on how to open a school. For students, the office maintains lists of approved schools and those which have closed. Enrollment figures, completion rates, and pass rates of graduates on any licensure examination are published by the office. To protect students, the office may take legal action against schools when necessary.
The Office of Policy Analysis and Research originated in 1976 as Research, Planning, and Evaluation. In 1985, it reorganized as Research, Planning, and Information Systems. Under the Division of Planning and Academic Affairs since 1988, it reformed as the Division of Policy Analysis and Research in 1997. Effective June 2001, the Division became the Office of Policy Analysis and Research.
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