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The Governor's Workforce Investment Board began as the Governor's Employment and Training Council in March 1983. The Governor created the Council by Executive Order to be Maryland's job training coordinating council under the federal Job Training Partnership Act (P.L. 97-300). Later that year, the Council was established by statute (Chapter 268, Acts of 1983). In 1985, the Governor gave the Council additional responsibilities and, in 1987, made it part of the Department of Economic and Employment Development (Executive Order 01.01.1985.14; Executive Order 01.01.1987.24). The Council reformed as the Workforce Investment Board in 1992 (Chapter 412, Acts of 1992).

Assuming duties of the State Council on Vocational-Technical Education in 1993, the Board served as Maryland's human resource investment council under the federal Job Training Partnership Act (Chapter 463, Acts of 1993), which became the Workforce Investment Act in 2001. Later in 1993, the Board was made an agency separate from the Department of Economic and Employment Development (Executive Order 01.01.1993.30). The Board reorganized as the Governor's Workforce Investment Board in August 1998 (Executive Order 01.01.1998.23).

In accordance with federal law, the Board helps plan, coordinate, and monitor State programs and services for work force investment.

The Board consists of up to forty members. Two are appointed by the Senate President, and two by the House Speaker. Seven serve ex offico. Appointed by the Governor, the remaining members serve four-years terms. The Governor names the chair (Code Labor and Employment Article, sec. 11-505; Executive Order 01.01.1998.23).

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