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Blind Industries and Services of Maryland originated in 1908 as the Maryland Workshop for the Blind (Chapter 566, Acts of 1908). It adopted its present name in 1973 (Chapter 164, Acts of 1973). Although it is not a State agency, its eleven trustees are appointed for three-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent and it receives State funds.

Blind Industries and Services of Maryland provides employment, vocational training, rehabilitation, and education to blind adult Marylanders, some of whom have multiple disabilities. This includes teaching blind adults day-to-day skills necessary to live in a sighted society. The agency is open for the labor and manufactures of all blind citizens of Maryland over eighteen years of age who can give satisfactory evidence of character and ability to do the work required. All profits from blind industries are used to further the agency's mission (Code 1957, Art. 30, secs. 3-10, 30A).

To carry out these programs, Blind Industries and Services of Maryland operates four divisions: Industries; Rehabilitation; Services; and Vending Services.

The Industries Division employs blind and visually impaired adults to manufacture more than 150 products for federal and State government agencies and commercial and private businesses. The Division is located in Baltimore. Sewn products, including clothing items, tote bags, and medical soft goods, are manufactured in the Western Maryland plant in Cumberland and the Eastern Shore plant in Salisbury.

The Rehabilitation Division provides free instruction in alternative techniques for blind people. Instruction covers communications, such as braille computer training; independent cane travel; and activities of daily living, including management of finances, cooking, and cleaning. The Division also provides job-seeking and employment skills to students and adults.

The Services Division transcribes printed material into braille for individuals, organizations, companies, and government for a nominal fee.

The Services Division also sells, at cost, items such as braille watches, talking clocks, talking calculators, canes, and games. Items are available at the office on Strickland Steet, or by mail-order catalogue.

Created in 1989, the Vending Services Division installs and services vending machines dispensing beverages or snacks throughout Maryland. The Division is opening up many nontraditional sales and service jobs for blind workers.

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