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[photo, Catherine R. Gira, President, Frostburg State University] CATHERINE R. GIRA, Ph.D., President

President, Frostburg State University, since September 1, 1991.

Board of Visitors, Frostburg State University, 1991-.

Board of Directors, Regional Education Service Agency of Appalachian Maryland, 1991-. Member, Task Force to Study the Governance, Coordination, and Funding of the University System of Maryland, 1998-99; Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force, 1998-; Task Force to End Smoking in Maryland, 1999; Task Force to Study College Readiness for Disadvantaged and Capable Students, 2000-01. President, Council of University System Presidents.

Provost, University of Baltimore, 1982-91. Former Professor (English), and Acting Dean, College of Liberal Arts, University of Baltimore.

Born in Pennsylvania, October 30, 1932. California State College in Pennsylvania, B.A. (education); The Johns Hopkins University, M.A. (liberal arts), M.A. (education); American University, Ph.D. (literature). Teacher, Catonsville Senior High School, 1953-60. Writing consultant and editor, State Department of Education, 1961-72. Board member, Western Maryland Health System; Rocky Gap Foundation; Cumberland Theatre; Maryland Symphony Orchestra; Greater Cumberland Committee; Joint Military Intelligence College. President, Maryland Association of Higher Education, 1986-87; American Association of University Administrators, 1988-90. Chair, Maryland Humanities Council, 1989-91. Member, Federation of State Humanities Councils; Commission on Higher Education, Middle States Association, 1994-99. Executive Committee, 1999-, and Vice-President, 2002-, Leadership Maryland. Outstanding Woman of the Year, Women Legislators of Maryland, 1992. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 1996. Maryland Women's Hall of Fame, 1997.

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