Chair, Board of Directors, University Research Corporation International. Board of Visitors, University of Maryland, College Park, 1998-.
Member, Task Force to Study the Governance, Coordination and Funding of the University System of Maryland, 1998-99; University System of Maryland Financial Aid Task Force, 2004.
Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, England, 1963-64. Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, 1964-67. Professor (mechanical engineering), 1967-98 (chair, 1987-91), and Vice-Chancellor of University Relations, 1991-98, University of California at Berkeley. Former President, University of California at Berkeley Foundation. Former Chair, Mechanical Systems.
University of California at Berkeley, B.S. (mechanical engineering), 1959, M.S. (mechanical engineering), 1960, and Ph.D. (engineering mechanics), 1963. Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1991. Member, Technology Council of Maryland; Washington Regional Committee for the 2012 Olympics; U.S. National Academy of Engineering. Board member, Potomac Knowledgeway. Co-chair, Potomac Conference of Greater Washington Board of Trade. Fellow, International Academy of Wood Science; Acoustical Society of America; American Association for the Advancement of Science. Honorary member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International. Berkeley Citation Award and Distinguished Teaching Award, 1971. Pi Tau Sigma Excellence in Teaching Award, University of California at Berkeley, 1975. Alexander von Humboldt Prize, Federal Republic of Germany, 1988. 40 Most Influential Leaders in Washington DC, Washington Business Forward, 2001. Married, two children, four grandchildren.
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