Appointed by Governor: Robert Conway; Douglas W. Green; A. Kaye Kenney; Virgil L. Shockley; Gerald B. Truitt, Jr.
Appointed by Senate President: Richard F. Colburn
Appointed by House Speaker: Rudolph C. Cane
Ex officio: S. Patrick McMillan, designee of Secretary of Agriculture
Staff: Nancy P. Wallace
c/o Dept. of Agriculture
Wayne A. Cawley, Jr. Building
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 - 8960
(410) 841-5700
The Governor formed the Poultry Issues Action Team in June 2003 (Executive Order 01.01.2003.17). The Team assessed the economic condition of the poultry industry, identified its vulnerabilities, and evaluated solutions to ensure its long-term stability and promote economic growth.
On November 1, 2003, the Team submitted its report to the Governor.
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