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[photo, Irma S. Raker, Court of Appeals Judge] IRMA S. RAKER, Judge, Court of Appeals, 7th Appellate Circuit (Montgomery County), since January 7, 1994. Chair, Judicial Compensation Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1997-. Member, Public Awareness Committee, 1998-2001, Maryland Judicial Conference.

Member, Article 27 (crimes & punishments) Revision Committee, 1991-; Family Violence Council, 1995-.

Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1973-79. Member, Montgomery County Advisory Commission on Environmental Law, 1979; Commission on Battered Spouses, Montgomery County; Advisory Commission on Child Abuse and Neglect. Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, March 21, 1980 to February 2, 1982. Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, February 3, 1982 to December 93. Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1985-89. Attended Midwood High School, Brooklyn, New York; Syracuse University, B.A., 1959; Hague Academy of International Law, 1959; Washington College of Law, The American University, J.D., 1972. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1973. Member, American Bar Association (state delegate, conference of state trial judges; chair, criminal justice standards committee, 1994; member, criminal law section, 1997-2000; task force on youth in the criminal justice system, 1998; trial release task force, 1999); Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors; chair, criminal law & practice section; chair, committee to draft pattern jury instructions in criminal cases; member, special committee on citizenship & law-related education, 2002-); Montgomery County Bar Association; Women's Bar Association of Maryland; Women's Bar Association of District of Columbia; National Association of Women Judges (president, Maryland Chapter, 1994). Partner, Sachs, Greenebaum, and Tayler, 1979-80. Member, Network 2000, 1996-; Advisory Board, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, 1998-; Dean's Advisory Council, Washington College of Law, The American University, 1998-. Board of Directors, Jobs Unlimited, 2000-. Former member, Board of Directors, Hebrew Home of Greater Washington. Author, The New "No-Knock" Provision and its Effect on the Authority of the Police to Break and Enter, American University Law Review (1970-71). Adjunct professor (trial practice), Washington College of Law, The American University, 1980-. Recipient, American Judicature Book Award for Torts, Criminal Procedure; Lura E. Turley Award, Washington College of Law, Law Review, The American University. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 1997, 1999, 2001 (Circle of Excellence). Dole Woman of Achievement Award, American Red Cross, 1998. Distinguished Women's Award, Girl Scouts of Central Maryland, 1999. Distinguished Alumna Award, Washington College of Law, American University, 1999. Century of Service Award, Montgomery County Bar Association, 1999. Lifetime Achievement Award, Midwood High School Alumni Association, 1999. Outstanding Jurist Award, Montgomery County Bar Association, 2000. Citizen of the Year, National Association of Social Workers, 2001. Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2001.

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