KATHLEEN O'FERRALL FRIEDMAN, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, from March 1, 1985 to February 5, 2002. Retired February 5, 2002. Judge in charge of Domestic Matters, 1986-96. Chair, Juvenile and Family Law and Procedures Committee, 1990-91, and Committee on Child Support Enforcement, 1993-94, Maryland Judicial Conference.

Chair, Governor's Commission to Study Implementation of the Equal Rights Amendment, 1975-78. Member, Mayor's Committee on the Disposition of Fells Point Properties, Baltimore City, 1977-81. Member, Governor's Commission on Domestic Relations Laws, 1979-83. Vice-Chair, Child Support Enforcement Advisory Council, 1983-87. Member, Human Services Article Review Committee, 2003-. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 19, 1941. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; College of Notre Dame of Maryland, B.A., 1962; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1966; University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work, M.S.W., 1969. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 1982-84; chair, professionalism committee, 2000-); Baltimore City Bar Association (treasurer, 1984-85); American and Women's Bar Associations; National Association of Women Judges. Board of Directors, Baltimore Courthouse and Law Museum Foundation. Member, Serjeants' Inn Law Club (president, 1988-89); Lawyers' Roundtable Law Club. Founding member, Women's Law Center (president, 1972-74; board of directors, 1974-76). Delegate to National Women's Conference, Houston, Texas, 1977. Founding member and advisory board member, House of Ruth, Inc., 1981-85. President, Maryland Circuit Judges Association, 1995-97 (treasurer, 1993-95). Dorothy Beatty Memorial Award, Women’s Law Center, 1991. Baltimore City Women's Hall of Fame, 1992. Women of the Year, Baltimore Zonta Club, 1992. Rosalyn B. Bell Award for distinguished service in the area of family law, Women's Law Center of Maryland, 1997. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 1997, 2000, 2002 (Circle of Excellence). Advancement of Professional Competence Award, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2002. Beverly Groner Family Law Award, Maryland State Bar Association, 2002.

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