DONALD C. DAVIS, County Administrative Judge, Wicomico County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since November 10, 2003 (Associate Judge, since February 15, 1999). Member, Business and Technology Case-Management Program Implementation Committee, Conference of Circuit Judges, 2001. Member, Drug Treatment Court Commission, 2002-.
Member, City Council, City of Salisbury, 1988-92. Born in Wango, Maryland, October 5, 1940. Served in Air National Guard (active reserve status), 1963-68. University of Maryland, B.A. (history), 1963. University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., with honors, 1968. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1968. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1968-69. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (committee on judicial appointments); Wicomico County Bar Association (president, 1987-88).
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