MARIELSA A. BERNARD, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since March 1, 2002. Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, October 16, 1998 to March 1, 2002. Member, Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 1999-2001, and Public Awareness Committee, 2001-, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Business and Technology Division Task Force, 2000; Public Trust and Confidence Implementation Committee, 2000-; Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Judicial Process, 2002-04.
Member, East County Advisory Board, Montgomery County, 1994-96; Hispanic and Latino Advisory Group to County Executive, Montgomery County, 1994-98; Community Partnership Board, Montgomery County, 1995-98; Steering Committee, Bi-County Task Force on Gang Activity, 2004. Born in Washington, DC, October 15, 1955. Attended Thomas S. Wootton High School, Rockville, Maryland; Loyola College, B.A. (political science), 1977; Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America, J.D., 1980. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1981; District of Columbia Bar, 1981. Associate, Ferretti, Ehrlich & Gordon, 1981-84 (law clerk, 1978-81); Tietz & Ferretti, 1984-86; Vincent E. Ferretti, Jr., 1986-87. Sole practitioner, 1987-97. Partner, Keiffer, Johnston, Reinstein, Bernard & Heffron, L.L.C. 1997-98. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (chair, hispanic-latino lawyers committee, 1995-98; co-chair, leadership academy, 2002-); Montgomery County Bar Association (co-chair, outreach section; chair, nomination & elections committee; co-chair, special committee on leadership academy, 2002-); Maryland Hispanic Bar Association (president, 1994-95 & past board member); Women's Bar Association of Montgomery County (chair, take-your-daughter-to-work-day program). Member, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association; National Association of Women Judges. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation; Montgomery Bar Foundation. Board member, Hispanic Alliance, 1995-98. Board of Directors, Maryland Chapter, National Association of Women Judges, 2000-02. Founder, The Story Book Project (program for incarcerated mothers), National Association of Women Judges, 2001-. Citation, Office of County Executive, Montgomery County, 1982, 1998. Citation, Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs, 1994. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2003. Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2003.
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