BRETT W. WILSON, County Administrative Judge, Dorchester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since June 30, 2004.
Member, Board of Education, Dorchester County, 1989-94. Member, Dorchester County Narcotics Task Force, 1994-96. Former member, Mental Health Advisory Board, Dorchester County. Senior Assistant State's Attorney, Caroline County, 1998-2001. Standing Master for Domestic Relations and Juvenile Causes, Dorchester County Circuit Court, First Judicial Circuit, 2001-04 (part-time, 1996-2001). Member, Child in Need of Assistance (CINA) Subcommittee, Foster Care Court Improvement Project, 2000-. Member, Child Support Subcommittee, Family Law Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2002-. Faculty, Family Law Curriculum, Maryland Judicial Institute, 2002. Born in Easton, Maryland, April 26, 1958. Salisbury State College, B.A. (history), summa cum laude, 1980. University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1983. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983. Member, American Bar Association, 1983-90; Maryland State Bar Association, 1983- (family law section council, 2003-); Caroline County Bar Association, 1998-; Dorchester County Bar Association, 1986- (president, 1999-2001; bar memorial program committee, 2003); Wicomico County Bar Association, 1983-90; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 1984. Law clerk, Callegary & Callegary, 1982-83. Associate, Robins, Johnson & Anthenelli, 1983-86 (law clerk, 1981); Robins & Johnson, 1986-88. Partner, Robins, Johnson, Wilson & Wade, 1989-90; Wilson & Collison, P.A., 1990-96. Sole practitioner, 1996-98. Instructor (business law), Wor-Wic Community College, 1987-89. President, Lions Club International, Sharptown, MD chapter, 1983-89. Den leader, Cub Scout Pack 167, Boy Scouts of America, 1993-99. Manager & coach, Tri-City Little League team, 1993-2001. Member, Eldorado United Methodist Church, 1972-90 (member, pastor-parish relations committee; chair, council on ministries); Unity-Washington United Methodist Church, 1991- (sunday school superintendent, 1994-2001; chair, pastor-parish relations committee, 2002-). You are a Beautiful Person Award, Board of County Commissioners, Dorchester County, 1990. Certificate of Appreciation, Foster Care Court Improvement Project, 2001.
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