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Chair (chosen by Board in July, 1-year term): Herman G. Bartlett, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Washington County

Ex officio: William J. AuMiller, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, Allegany County; Donald L. Alexander, Ed.D., President, Allegany College of Maryland; Catherine R. Gira, Ph.D., President, Frostburg State University (John Bowman, Ph.D., alternate); Wendell D. Teets, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, Garrett County; Stephen J. Herman, Ph.D., President, Garrett Community College; Norman P. Shea, Ph.D., President, Hagerstown Community College; William E. Kirwan, Ph.D., Chancellor, University System of Maryland (Charles R. Middleton, Ph.D., alternate).

Frank C. Peto, Executive Director, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of Board

127 South Smallwood St.
Cumberland, MD 21502
(301) 777-3525
fax: (301) 777-5982

The Regional Education Service Agency of Appalachian Maryland (RESA) works to raise the educational level of residents in Appalachian Maryland (Allegany, Garrett and Washington counties). The Agency originated in 1967 as the Educational Subcommittee of the Appalachian Regional Commission. A formal organization by 1970, it became a separate administrative unit of government in 1973, authorized by statute and by the Attorney General's approval of a joint agreement by the eight member institutions (Chapter 533, Acts of 1973).

The Agency fosters cooperation among educational institutions and organizations and establishes goals, policies, and procedures for regional education projects, which it plans, coordinates, and implements. It promotes the improvement of educational, scientific and literary facilities and programs for participating schools. To the Governor, the Agency provides technical assistance and recommendations concerning education's role in developing the region. These recommendations are the basis for education programs funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission through the Department of Housing and Community Development.

The Agency helps member institutions identify needs that could be met by regional programs or services. It also helps develop, implement, review and evaluate interagency and institutional projects.

For Allegany County, member institutions include Allegany College of Maryland, Frostburg State University, and the Allegany County Board of Education. For Garrett County, they are Garrett Community College and the Garrett County Board of Education. Washington County is represented by Hagerstown Community College and the Washington County Board of Education. The University System of Maryland also is a member.

The Agency's Board of Directors consists of the chief executives of the eight signatory members. Operations and programs of the Agency are supported by budget allocations of the member institutions and from grants and contracts with local, State and federal agencies.

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