For weather-related closings, announcements, and other information, see:
State House (from College Ave.), Annapolis, Maryland, February 2002. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
**When a holiday falls on a Saturday, for State employees it is observed the Friday before. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the observance is on the following Monday.
© Copyright Maryland State Archives
January 1 (Thursday)
New Year's Day
January 19 (Monday)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday*
February 16 (third Monday)
Presidents' Day
May 31 (Monday)
Memorial Day*
July 5 (Monday)
Independence Day**
September 6 (first Monday)
Labor Day
October 11 (Monday)
Columbus Day*
November 2 (Tuesday)
Election Day
November 11 (Thursday)
Veterans' Day
November 25 (fourth Thursday)
Thanksgiving Day
November 26 (fourth Friday)
Friday after Thanksgiving Day
December 24 (Friday)
Christmas Day**
December 31 (Friday)
New Year's Day 2005**
January 1 (Wednesday)
New Year's Day
January 20 (Monday)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday*
February 17 (third Monday)
Presidents' Day
May 26 (Monday)
Memorial Day*
July 4 (Friday)
Independence Day
September 1 (first Monday)
Labor Day
October 13 (Monday)
Columbus Day*
November 11 (Tuesday)
Veterans' Day
November 27 (fourth Thursday)
Thanksgiving Day
November 28 (fourth Friday)
Friday after Thanksgiving Day
December 25 (Thursday)
Christmas Day
December 26 (Friday)
(per Governor's letter of Dec. 5, 2003)
*If the U.S. Congress designates another day for observance, the day named by Congress becomes the legal date.
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