Maryland Manual On-Line -



(CODE R00A00, formerly 36.01.00)

(R00A01, formerly 36.01.01)

FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (approp.)
General $62,394,444 $72,739,079 $81,967,047 $79,238,168 $82,348,492
Special $2,983,753 $7,623,240 $7,738,548 $6,150,255 $5,323,468
Federal $78,420,147 $83,407,580 $89,798,492 $101,791,462 $107,186,709
Total Funds $143,798,344 $163,769,899 $179,504,087 $187,179,885 $194,858,669
Reimbursable $537,651 $431,291 $541,842 $401,772 $823,976
Authorized 1,349.90 1,360.90 1,362.90 1,439.5 1,347.8
Contractual (FTE) 109.35 124.78 156.76 121.8 118.8
Total Staff 1,459.25 1,485.68 1,519.66 1,561.3 1,466.6

FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $40,985,327 $41,792,080 $45,613,648 $46,009,269 $54,888,890
Special $2,582,065 $2,806,216 $2,708,223 $2,732,687 $3,026,615
Federal $60,734,722 $64,759,326 $67,104,358 $74,172,892 $75,319,563
Total Funds $104,302,114 $109,357,622 $115,426,229 $122,914,848 $133,235,068
Reimbursable $1,051,357 $1,136,448 $691,680 $922,369 $632,066
Authorized 1,365.40 1,366.4 1,326.40 1,337.40 1,344.90
Contractual (FTE) 92.29 61.8 86.01 116.58 119.29
Total Staff 1,457.69 1,428.2 1,412.41 1,453.98 1,464.19

actual = actual expenditures
approp. = appropriations
FTE = full-time equivalent

(R00A02, formerly 36.01.02)

FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (approp.)
General $2,734,234,066 $2,806,018,368 $2,937,574,730 $3,119,789,551 $3,350,224,444
Special $627,167 $66,708,798 $78,414,106 $121,620,115 $250,000
Federal $440,086,767 $475,628,513 $556,058,842 $630,905,947 $682,561,044
Total Funds $3,174,948,000 $3,348,355,679 $3,572,047,678 $3,872,315,613 $4,033,598,668
Reimbursable $1,722,498 $1,983,653 $473,000 $677,131 $563,180
State Share of Basic Current Expenses $1,567,596,433 $1,621,434,571 $1,681,184,139 $1,838,257,822 $2,013,431,102
Adult Continuing Education $6,233,660 $7,507,348 $9,466,465 $11,135,927 $10,695,263
Baltimore City Partnership Funding $50,000,000 $66,232,417 $70,465,079 $70,465,079 $28,186,032
Career & Technology Education $18,127,668 $14,709,132 $16,370,712 $16,618,733 $17,106,070
Challenge Program, Governor's Teacher Salary $34,092,043 $84,305,221 $72,274,548 $5,313,564
Children at Risk $10,484,689 $10,374,441 $15,477,028 $16,474,335 $20,992,615
Class Size Initiative $13,166,734 $29,821,210 $43,065,280 $28,899,041
Compensatory Education & School Accountability Funding for Excellence $236,184,912 $231,004,052 $239,130,943 $269,464,207 $370,060,486
Disruptive Youth $1,601,655 $1,601,655 $1,601,655 $2,467,655 $2,000,000
Educationally Deprived Children $105,554,655 $107,319,730 $131,912,873 $155,336,705 $173,250,259
Environmental Education $68,057 $68,057 $68,057 $113,779
Food Services $123,053,419 $143,516,195 $149,974,348 $145,693,863 $147,894,083
Formula Programs for Specific Populations $4,767,623 $5,176,124 $5,750,855 $5,865,615 $6,863,043
Gifted & Talented $4,954,011 $5,443,729 $6,419,150 $6,541,592 $534,829
Head Start $2,999,999 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
Innovative Programs $73,142,924 $41,292,440 $50,026,571 $46,835,798 $19,976,868
Job Training Partnership Act (reimbursable funds) $1,075,984
Language Assistance $1,749,292 $1,664,641 $1,689,953 $3,794,732 $4,103,842
Limited English Proficient $38,870,353
Local Employee Fringe Benefits Aid $403,589,988 $374,309,816 $335,478,301 $362,292,033 $391,585,761
Public Libraries $25,337,226 $26,568,818 $27,475,868 $29,415,926 $29,226,188
School Building Construction Aid $94,076,188 $98,291,560 $100,522,850 $89,862,347
School Quality, Accountability & Recognition of Excellence $22,082,279 $19,856,227 $21,892,086 $19,793,427
School Technology $250,000 $17,363,708 $20,776,810 $24,105,480 $18,021,602
Science & Mathematics Education Initiative $883,139 $4,728,937 $5,929,888 $949,916 $883,139
State Library Network $5,374,239 $8,478,299 $11,011,769 $12,557,844 $13,944,964
Students with Disabilities $170,945,574 $177,595,697 $177,045,286 $191,507,771 $225,406,917
Students with Disabilities, Assistance to State for Educating $141,026,219 $145,429,999 $194,591,132 $224,146,313 $246,725,000
Targeted Improvement Program $21,400,455
Teacher Development $14,243,000 $15,044,860 $54,515,055 $48,149,227
Transitional Education Funding Program $17,549,931 $29,584,601 $29,639,743 $10,575,000
Transportation $117,430,079 $122,439,503 $133,312,867 $138,868,799 $167,009,034

FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $2,092,433,695 $2,196,456,060 $2,312,635,157 $2,487,778,283 $2,646,184,495
Special $95,039 $147,730 $345,241 $162,584 $324,314
Federal $277,620,213 $306,652,210 $321,886,198 $368,729,782 $398,115,483
Total Funds $2,370,148,947 $2,503,256,000 $2,634,866,596 $2,856,670,649 $3,044,624,292
Reimbursable $15,543,698 $1,814,312 $1,230,953 $1,645,827 $1,576,189
State Share of Basic Current Expenses $1,228,358,799 $1,295,361,476 $1,366,945,707 $1,451,506,507 $1,517,574,447
Adult Continuing Education $5,367,063 $4,622,465 $4,358,617 $5,090,752 $5,451,894
Baltimore City Partnership Funding $32,950,000 $50,000,000
Career & Technology Education $15,094,978 $17,946,622 $18,967,690 $21,505,550 $18,571,425
Children at Risk $14,912,154 $14,850,031 $11,707,339 $15,181,023 $10,460,166
Compensatory Education $76,560,838 $81,724,411 $84,786,819 $80,909,998 $101,683,159
Disruptive Youth $357,553 $357,533 $457,553 $1,601,655 $1,601,655
Educationally Deprived Children $82,276,327 $86,456,664 $87,641,367 $98,621,604 $101,809,349
Environmental Education $68,057 $68,057 $68,057 $68,057 $65,511
Extended Elementary Education $11,606,739 $11,606,739 $11,606,739 $14,891,742 $19,262,500
Food Services $108,920,438 $112,704,711 $120,028,787 $119,930,638 $122,945,050
Formula Programs for Specific Populations $3,895,019 $4,350,548
Gifted & Talented $2,102,667 $2,106,386 $1,934,532 $4,524,799 $4,857,461
Innovative Programs $30,912,861 $38,385,524 $51,086,577 $44,060,087 $26,982,700
Job Training Partnership Act (reimbursable funds) $1,510,106 $1,028,996 $667,714 $1,013,935 $890,884
Language Assistance $761,596 $686,577 $644,743 $1,086,838 $1,527,191
Local Employee Fringe Benefits Aid $404,341,313 $435,626,276 $459,253,049 $455,144,185 $424,962,398
Poverty Grants, Additional $18,163,360 $18,163,360
Public Libraries $17,598,262 $20,611,213 $21,644,315 $25,155,450 $25,947,031
School Building Construction Aid $83,147,279 $82,438,485 $80,974,779 $82,456,881 $79,257,896
School Community Centers $719,549 $725,317 $725,300 0 0
Science & Mathematics Education Initiative $883,139 $849,669 $883,139 $883,139 $5,608,363
State Library Network $4,893,180 $5,081,942 $5,321,104 $5,143,948 $5,081,942
Students with Disabilities $133,109,279 $123,819,206 $126,850,000 $142,436,738 $151,195,418
Students with Disabilities, Assistance to State for Educating $54,119,862 $70,077,286 $79,294,341 $106,977,394 $130,103,997
Targeted Improvement Program $20,645,706
Transportation $94,098,252 $97,149,410 $100,249,287 $106,415,181 $84,962,501
Other $18,701,996

actual = actual expenditures
approp. = appropriations

(R00A03, formerly 36.01.03)

FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (approp.) (approp.)
General $20,657,267 $21,400,867 $21,769,542 $20,611,998 $20,677,910
Special Funds $4,996,059 $4,850,000 $3,750,000 $2,910,000
Total Funds $20,657,267 $26,396,926 $26,619,542 $24,361,998 $23,587,910
Alice Ferguson Foundation $99,521 $99,521 $99,521 $99,521 $90,285
Alliance of Southern Prince George's Communities, Inc. $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $45,360
American Visionary Art Museum $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $18,144
Arts Excel $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $68,040
Baltimore Museum of Industry $89,721 $89,721 $89,721 $89,721 $81,395
Baltimore Partnership for Vocational Education $207,400
Baltimore Zoo $3,750,000 $3,850,000 $3,850,000 $3,229,782 $3,133,624
Best Buddies $240,000 $340,000 $285,227 $211,005
Blind Industries & Services of Md. $1,114,710 $1,114,710 $1,114,710 $864,710 $722,651
Charles Village Foundation $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $54,432
Chesapeake Bay Foundation $274,716 $524,716 $524,716 $440,187 $325,647
Citizenship Law-Related Education $40,727 $40,727 $40,727 $40,727 $36,948
College Bound Foundation $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $45,360
Echo Hill Outdoor School $74,114 $74,114 $74,114 $74,114 $67,236
Laurel Boys & Girls Club, Inc. $25,000
Living Classrooms Foundation $257,400 $457,400 $457,400 $383,715 $283,869
Maryland Academy of Sciences $478,797 $478,797 $478,797 $401,665 $297,148
Maryland Assoc. for Dyslexic Adults & Youth $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $45,360
Maryland Historial Society $11,250 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 $68,040
Maryland Leadership Workshops $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $54,432
Maryland Math, Engineering & Science Achievement $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $90,720
Maryland School for the Blind $11,789,436 $12,025,436 $12,294,111 $12,561,248 $13,688,798
National Aquarium in Baltimore $157,707 $157,707 $157,707 $132,301 $97,876
National Museum of Ceramic Art & Glass $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $22,680
Nonpublic Schools Textbooks $4,996,059 $8,000,000 $4,850,000 $3,750,000 $2,910,000
Olney Theater $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $251,671 $186,184
Outward Bound $233,200 $258,200 $258,200 $216,605 $160,243
Port Discovery $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $90,720
Potomac High School (Prince George's Co.) $100,000
Salisbury Zoological Park $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $22,680
South Baltimore Learning Center $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $45,360
State Mentoring Resource Center $175,000 $175,000 $175,000 $146,808 $108,607
Supercamp $813,750 $750,000 $750,000 $629,178 $492,551
Ward Museum $24,818 $24,818 $24,818 $24,818 $22,515

FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $16,693,448 $16,265,666 $16,340,630 $17,603,230 $17,476,130
Total Funds $16,693,448 $16,265,666 $16,340,630 $17,603,230 $17,476,130
Alice Ferguson Foundation $69,800 $69,521 $69,521 $99,521 $99,521
Alliance of Southern Prince George's Communities, Inc. $50,000 $50,000
American Visionary Art Museum $20,000
Arts Excel $50,000
Baltimore Museum of Industry $60,000 $59,721 $59,721 $89,721 $89,721
Baltimore Partnership for Vocational Education $208,000
Baltimore Zoo $3,510,056 $3,489,763 $3,489,763 $3,489,763 $3,489,763
Blind Industries & Services of Md. $1,488,099 $1,114,656 $1,114,710 $1,934,810 $1,114,710
Charles Village Foundation $60,000
Chesapeake Bay Foundation $276,263 $274,716 $274,716 $274,716 $274,716
Citizenship Law-Related Education $41,000 $40,727 $40,727 $40,727 $40,727
College Bound Foundation $25,000 $25,000 $50,000
Echo Hill Outdoor School $44,387 $44,114 $44,114 $44,114 $74,114
Laurel Boys & Girls Club, Inc. $25,000
Living Classrooms Foundation $69,800 $67,424 $67,400 $117,400 $192,400
Maryland Academy of Sciences $496,221 $478,797 $478,797 $478,797 $478,797
Maryland Assoc. for Dyslexic Adults & Youth $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Maryland Center for the Arts & Technology $200,000
Maryland Historial Society $75,000
Maryland Leadership Workshops $32,500 $32,500
Maryland Math, Engineering & Science Achievement $100,000
Maryland School for the Blind $10,344,619 $10,285,436 $10,285,436 $10,285,436 $10,285,436
National Aquarium in Baltimore $159,300 $157,707 $157,707 $157,707 $157,707
National Museum of Ceramic Art & Glass $25,000
Olney Theater $50,000
Outward Bound $108,903 $108,266 $108,200 $183,200 $183,200
Port Discovery
Potomac High School
(Prince George's Co.)
Salisbury Zoological Park $25,000 $25,000
South Baltimore Learning Center $50,000
State Mentoring Resource Center $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 $175,000
Ward Museum $25,000 $24,818 $24,818 $24,818 $24,818

actual = actual expenditures
approp. = appropriations

(R00A04, formerly 36.01.04)

FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (approp.)
General $46,952,433 $46,907,477 $40,141,771 $38,119,592 $31,838,835
Special $256,426 $2,808 $2,521,682
Federal $28,539,442 $38,171,094 $24,339,424 $24,890,700 $28,498,830
Total Funds $75,748,301 $85,078,571 $64,481,195 $63,013,100 $62,859,347
Reimbursable $1,129,232 $10,080,502 $10,750,000 $10,900,000 $10,900,000

FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $36,865,548 $82,788,019 $54,300,744 $52,760,316
Special $469,281 $272,584
Federal $5,500,002 $1,039,229 $15,197,241 $20,997,470
Total Funds $42,365,550 $83,827,248 $69,967,266 $74,030,370
Reimbursable $1,500,000

* The State Department of Education acts as fiscal agent for the Subcabinet Fund which is administered under direction of the Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families (Code 1957, Art. 49D, sec. 4.3).

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