Council membership is open to any Maryland citizen who subscribes to the goals of the Council and has an interest in rural Maryland. In addition, the Council includes the Governor, or designee, as a nonvoting member; three State senators and three members of the House of Delegates; representatives from federal agencies that serve rural interests; and representatives from private sector organizations, including rural-based profit and nonprofit organizations and rural client groups.
An independent agency, the Council for administrative and budgetary purposes only is placed under the Department of Agriculture.
The Council's Executive Board advises the Council on policy matters and their implementation (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 15-101 through 15-110).
Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund. In July 2000, the Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund was established (Chapter
552, Acts of 2000). The Fund's purpose is to alleviate the fiscal difficulties
of rural regional planning and economic development associations, rural
community development programs, and advanced technology centers that serve
agricultural and natural resource-based small businesses in rural areas. When the Fund was first
created, it was administered by the Board of Public Works, while the Department
of Business and Economic Development awarded grants. In 2003, the Rural Maryland
Council assumed responsibilities for the Fund's administration and awarding of grants (Chapter 266, Acts of 2003; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 2-206).
© Copyright Maryland State Archives
The Maryland Agricultural
Education and Rural Development Assistance Board was created in 2003 (Chapter 266, Acts of 2003; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 2-206). The Board establishes procedures for applications for grants from the Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund. The Board also reviews grant applications, and makes binding recommendations to the Rural Maryland Council on recipients and amounts of grants.
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