c/o Dept. of Agriculture
Wayne A. Cawley, Jr. Building
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 - 8960
(410) 841-5772
e-mail: mchenrsr@mda.state.md.us
fax: (410) 841-5987
web: www.rural.state.md.us
Cows, Anne Arundel County Fair, Crownsville, Maryland, September 2000. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Budget |
Organizational Chart |
Organizational Structure |
Origin & Functions |
Reports |
Elected by Council members: Robert D. Agee; Don William Bradley; John J. Bunnell; Jack M. Canan; Edmund R. (Ned) Cueman; William F. Eckman; W. Daniel Mayer; Duane E. Yoder.
Appointed by Senate President (nonvoting): Thomas M. Middleton; Alex X. Mooney; J. Lowell Stoltzfus.
Appointed by House Speaker (nonvoting): Bennett Bozman; Richard B. Weldon, Jr.; John F. Wood, Jr.
Appointed by Senate President & House Speaker (nonvoting): one vacancy
Delmarva Advisory Council:
Dale A. Maginnis
Eastern Shore Resource, Conservation & Development Council: David Wilson
Forvm for Rural Maryland Foundation: Mary Mallery
Maryland Association of Community Action Agencies, Inc.: David Jordan
Maryland Association of Counties: Robert M. Hutcheson; Phyllis E. Kilby.
Maryland Association of Public Library Administrators: Jean S. Del Sordo
Maryland Downtown Development Association: Stanley T. Ruchlewicz
Maryland Farm Bureau: Earl (Buddy) Hance
Maryland Municipal League: Linda N. Bambary; Jerry K. Hansen.
Maryland Rural Health Association: Annie K. Kronk
Mid-Shore Regional Council: Kevin J. Morse
Southern Maryland Resource, Conservation & Development Council: Mark Rose
Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore: Michael P. Pennington
Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland: David M. Jenkins
Tri-County Council for Western Maryland: Leanne D. Mazer
Western Maryland Resource, Conservation & Development Council: Timothy W. Hann
Federal agencies: Marlene B. Elliott, State Director, Maryland & Delaware Rural Development, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
For-profit organizations: Charles Ross
Nonprofit organizations: R. Kevin Brooks
Ex officio: Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Governor; S. Patrick McMillan, designee of Secretary of Agriculture; Aris Melissaratos, Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Brian P. McLaughlin, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Grace Zaczek, designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Emily H. Wilson, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; Bonnie Braun, Ph.D., designee of Director, Maryland Cooperative Extension.
© Copyright Maryland State Archives
Ex officio: Lewis R. Riley, Secretary of Agriculture; Aris Melissaratos, Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Victor L. Hoskins, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; C. Ronald Franks, Secretary of Natural Resources; Phyllis E. Kilby, Chair, Rural Maryland Council.
Kate Wagner, Manager (410) 841-5772
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