Appointed by Secretary of Planning: D. Tyler Gearhart; Dirk H. Geratz; Frank K. Hertsch; Arnold F. (Pat) Keller III; Dianne Klair; Gerrit J. Knaap, Ph.D.; George J. Maurer; Pam J. Ruff.
Contact: Thomas W. Rimrodt
c/o Dept. of Planning
301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2365
(410) 767-0901
In October 2003, the Development Capacity Task Force was authorized by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2003.33).
The Task Force is to undertake a study of land supply available for development. The study is to be used by State and local governments and regional agencies as a planning tool. Focusing on five counties and five municipalities, the study will estimate how much development could take place both inside and outside each jurisdiction's priority funding areas. Analysis will cover existing land area; projected population, employment and development growth; environmental constraints, such as wetlands; land unavailable for development (through preservation programs or otherwise); potential for infill development and redevelopment; and the effect of existing growth policy and laws, and possible changes to them. Pilot jurisdictions to be studied first include the municipalities of Chestertown, Frederick, Hagerstown, Havre de Grace, and Salisbury; and the counties of Anne Arundel, Harford, Montgomery, St. Mary's, and Worcester.
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